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Southern California Forest Committee Appointed
A committee of hine members, to be known as the "Southern California Forest Committee," has been appointed by the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Club.
This was as a result of an action that was taken at a recent Hoo Hoo Club, at the suggestion of Supreme Gurdon, Dave Woodhead, that Hoo Hoo and Southern California lumbermen should have recognition and a voice in the various movements that are beihg contemplated, in Reforestation, Conservation, etc., of the state forests.
The Committee was carefully selected, representing all branches of the industry, in Southern California, and consisting of men who are leaders in their profession.
The Committee is composed of :
D. Woodhead, Woodhead Lumber Company, (Chairman).
M. J. Byrnes, Albion Lumber Company.
H. T. Didesch, Millwork Institute of California.
Leo J. Germain, Germain Lumber Company.
Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Company.
Phil B. Hart, "California Lumber Merchant."
J. A. Thomas, Coos Bay Lumber Company.
E. D. Tennant, Los Angeles Lumbermen's Club.
Curtis Williams, Williams & Cooper.
It is understood that another Committee is to be ap- pointed, to be called an Advisory Board, and consisting of prominent lumbermen in other parts of the state, as well as leaders among the Forestry olhcials.