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By Mr. Sylvester L. Weaver, President, Weaver Roof Company, Los Angeles .;
A true and active resident of the West, particularly of Los Angeles, never turns his mind Arizona-u,ard without a feeling of enthusiasm and admiration for that great State.
The romantic past of the Indians and the Spaniards, the history of its sturdy pioneers, the modern changes of the perhaps interested himself in some of its diverse activities, its copper, its cattle or its cotton. The economic and social fabric of the Southwest is interwoven so closely together that the threads lead from all parts of California to all parts of Arizona and the men and women who are making for progress in the two great commontvealths of the Southwest
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last ferv years, the growth of its towns into bustling cities, the fertility of its valleys and the richness of its mines, all combine to give a Californian a genuine belief in its future.
It is my belief that no man can call himself a thoroughgoing citizen of Los Angeles and California, unless he knows his Arizona, unless he has visited that great State, should know and respect and have a warm friendship for each other.
Arizona will go far with its tremendous latent possibilities. It is my hope that it goes its full distance in complete partnership with the Golden State, its great manufacturing, its great financial institutions, its great harbors.
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