1 minute read
A New Way for Lumber Yards to Make More Sales
Sell Walls as Well as the Framework Don't Let This Business Go Elsewhere
Why should you sell most of the building materials-then let your customer go toa suPPlY house for wall material? Of course there's no Profit in sheathing-but here is a wall material that's stronger than sheathing and easy to sell at a Profit.
Bishopric Base!
It's a lumber product -: ?nd Eastern lumber yards have enjoyed big sales on Bishopric for l8 years.
A few Western lumber merchants realize that BishoPric is easy for them to sellat the same time they sell the studding. They are making an extra Profit easy. Why don't Youtoo. Write today for a free samPle and proof that Bishofric Base can turn lost sales into Profits.
(128) Birhopric