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Mark '\ry'. Lillard, rnc., to open Warehouse at Los Angeles

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Mr. Mark W. Lillard, for several years past very well known in sash and door circles, in Southern California, has just announced his plans for the opening of a large warehouse, in the southern part of the city, to be operated under the nerv name of Mark W. Lillard, Inc.

Mr. Lillard has been California agent, exclusively, for the Whitmer-Jackson Company of Albuquerque, manufacturers of windows and screen doors, and of the Nicolai Door Manufacturing Company, of Portlancl, large proclucers of Fir doors.

The new company will continue to represent these two large institutions, distributing their goods from the Stan- ford Avenue warehouse, in addition to the complete stocks of hardwood doors, panels of all kinds, garage doors, etc.

Mark W. Lillard, Inc., is capitalized at $50,000, the stock being all subscribed, and the officers are, Mr. Mark.W. Lillard, President, E. D. Lillard, Vice-President, and E. B. Wittel, Secretary-Treasurer.

They have just completed a beautiful new building on their holdings at 6393 Stanford Avenue, have their own spur tracks and other facilities to enable them to promise the trade of Southern California very good service on their goods, and they expect to be open for business not later than June first.

The business will be strictly rvholesale.

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