4 minute read
The following eomments have been taken frotn somc recent let' ters received frorn retail lumber dealcrs:
"Yoq say you are Young in the ininufacture of Fir Lumber. lf you alwals gend out the clas! of lumber that we received of You sometime ago, I hope you alwaYs stay young, as I can truthfullY saY it was the best car of lumber that we have received for a long time."
"The car we just unloaded of your fir waa very good. We want fir dimenaion without anY hemlock mixcd in it, and also it is very nice to have it come in drY. " Anothcr thing we are Particular about ia the gradc."
"We find your lumber verY good-guite a bit over the average, nicely manufactured and a good oeller."
"There is nothing more You can do to bettcr your 6r lumbcr. It is O. K." **t
"The kind of lumber I like to handlc and the kind a customer wante."
8Slr t*f
"We think it is an awfully good idea of yours to kiln dry in the rough and bclieve it will make a great hit with the retail trade."
"l am glad you are kiln drying all your "common" 6r lumber. It is much better for the yard."
"The car we had from you was a very nice shipment. It wag well graded and well machined, and we received some very nice compliments on it."
Ate Yorr Seiling Lumber -or Just .Price?

HOW manv lumber dealers realty talk about LUMJER? Prices of lumb6r-Oh, yes I Per M f eet-to be sure I uut ro i.'iiiii*t"'if i-oii " l".6ii.deate' talk about the kind -of board' ff;;;a'i;;tttt"i t"a-*n"t the usir can get out cif it? II
LOOK down your Main Street a mdrhent, into the^stor,e-s that are building up trade, stores- that are. prosperlnc'Y"t*lt^ of soecial sales, what are they talking to their cu$tomersr +n9 Ii.""".;ili;illil i;;;;;;d hii u.it s';a" flour is, and wL?t kind 8i';;;"d ;"4--;"k; th? G;;;;ire Ean make w-iih it' Tl'q. {'v oood. .tot. is laying out its best qu-ality of goods' talklng VAI-UB to the w-oman patron, and, when -price is menttoned' J6i"-ti-r," oirt -ii""' itt. "uitot".rl economizes _6y-- buying the best. Att ao"i" the street, the aggressive lumbcr dealer lncludeo; sales are being made of reputable goods, because the buyer nas fi.ir "6ii?i"l,.ainit ti-"."atv Eets no more than he pavs for' and that price is of not so much' importance as quallty ano economical buYing. III
AGGRESSIVE dealers\f,re not satisfied. just to quote a price on material and let it go at that. Especiatly when a man rs riiiriiit" J house or a frarn or any g6od-siied structure that riiri'l"lttl p.iJe-is-not the' oniv thinE.to.te considered' Th.q averase man wants to buitd as'econoiricaly as he can,-but, if h;-i<ri;--ii:-hi-wouldn't cut the qualitv just to save fiftv or a hundred dollars.
EVERY customer who buys strictly--on price.must be resold every time he comes in to Duy. -He m3y llke.a.cealer orettv well. but that counts for nothinE tt another dealers prlce L .-iitii" lb*.t. Buying that wav, he gets less for his.money ;;;";;;';o;;*ttete ti"n-s the line-the quatitv or the service has had to be cheapened*false ecooorlJrr
The Lonc-Bell Lumber Company believes that for the sake of suit -od".ttt merchandising -and it-s profitableness to conJr*.t.--aiii.t and m4nufacturir, the buyer-of lumber should l"o* '-"r. and think mori about the quatity of that lumber than. for instance, the housewife knows about the quality .of flour'or silk. That is the reason for Long-Bell national advertrsi ir". it is putting a new and just importance on lumber, an i-iori"n""'in kedpins with the- duties :lumber must perform.
(Continued lrom Page 22) ner as rvould make it more attractive, valuable, etc., to its purchasers,
Needless to say, nothing was done in advance to interest purchasers by offering them attractive suggestions as to what might be BUILT, and rvhat building FUNCTIONS might be attained by using certain items of rarv inaterial in certain ways.
Those were the days of the'TONS OF RAW MATERIALS.
These are the days of the OUNCE OF BUILDING SERVICE.
We are learning to DRESS UP OUR LUMBER; to make it ATTRACTIVE in PROSPECT in orcler that men may desire to exchange their money for it. NOT for
For 18 Ycan
"CHICKASAW BlLlryyp't OAK FLOORING har becn a dandard of Gnde-4uality--l4anufacture
,ifemphis Hardwood
,Flooring Go. Memphis,Tonn.
E. M. SLATTERY 315 Produce Bldg., Lor Angeles BRoadway 1496 the lumber itself, but for those properly used-it will furnish.
FU slm6le reason are no longer for tfic Boards
Lumber will never be cheap again, that it is no longer just LfII\tBER. just boards.
A board has become simply one of the units of construction which, when properly and intelligently co-ordinated with various other units, make a HOME, BARN, or other useful structure desired by men and women.
And the more intelligently we continue in this work of dressing up our lumber to make it attractive and desirable, the greater will be the future of the industry.
"As ye sow, so shall ye r€?p," says the Good Book.
We used to sow lumber, sash, doors, shingles, and cernent, and the harvest was NOT plentiful.
Today we sow IDEAS of helpful character, and the harvest is in accordance with our improved DESERTS.
Frank G. Thornton, Sales Manager of the Chas. Nelson Co., Sa_n-Francisco,. was recently operated on for appendi- citis. His many friends will be pleased to hear thif he is reported to be convalescing nicely.

The Sacramento Vallev Lumber remodeling their office, which *he.t the largest offices in the Sacramento rence Chapman is the manager of concern.
Co. of Sacramento are completed will be one of Valley territory. Lawthis large retail lumber
Harry Fuller, Fuller I.umber Co., Lodi, has returned from a short trip -to Fresno, where he spent several days calling on many of his lur.nbermen friends and looking over business conditions in the San Joaquin Valley.
srx Trps oN succEss By J. H. FORESMAN, V. P. LONG-BELL LUMBER CO.
1. Choose your vocation carefully.
2. Work at it at the top of your ability.
1. Always keep yourself 100 per cent fil physically.
4. Try to associate with men of as strong charact& as possible.
5. Don't talk or worry about good luck or bad luck. Luck is a greatly overrated factor in the world today.
6. Be prepared constantly for the acid test that comes to everybody's life.