2 minute read
Pointed Pointers
Don't follow the leader. Be the leader. Let the others follow you.
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The retail business used to be mere shrewdness. Today it it intelligence backed by forceful energy.
The success of any -:r";""1, whether lumberman or clothier or any other business, is assured as soon as he finds .something constructive to do and seriously undertakes to doit'
* ,r *
More fires are caused by u'ooden heads than by wooden buildings.
A number of lumberm.i oi"'Jo"lieve in advertising and y-et y9q often see lumber yards with the following sign over the driveway: "Keep Out." That is advertisinglfask- wards' :F :r( ,r
You may-not be able to reach all of the building prospects in your neck of the woods every week, but your local faper can'
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Men of small caliber always think they are big guns- when the-y're loaded. Norv that the supply is abo'trt- gone, their caliber stays .-"tr.
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Have you a new fall idea or plan that you can dress up and sg!. your trade, right now, in company with some of your building material ?
.Fall is ? good time to- sell protection against the ravages of winter.in the shape of repainted houses, reshingled ro6fs, repaire-d implement sheds, barns and outhouses, ind many other forms of shelter. * * *
A dealer is knorvn by tl" lumber he keeps-and sells.
_ On9 good selling thought may develop a hundred orders. Search your brain and get an idea.
Learn to ter prepared know your merchandise and you will be betto sell it. *,t*
Don't let opportunity_- knock at your door. Keep the door open so he can walk right in.
How about startin iT yss,. town risht *'i'x1."n*;lX.ffiY#::fri:El should begin at home. * * *
There was a dealer in our town Who thought that he was wise. lle was too gosh-darned absolutely Smart to advertise.
One glance at his old dreary yard Would make you turn your -head, You'd hustle home and order from A catalogue, instead.
I Am a "Friend of the ForestE" Because-
In their friendly, cool shade I find shelter from the sun's hot rays, and contentment and rest for my weary mind and body; They provide food for my body by preventing the washing away of fertile farm lands, and food for my soul in their example of clean, un' selfish living;
They provide protection for my little friends of the-wild-the birds, the game and the 6sh; Well-because they are MY friends.
As a "Friend of the Forests" I Promise-
To love the trees and protect them as they protect me;
To plant a tree whenever possible and to guard them against fire and their many other ene' mies;
To use them wisely, that they may continue their life work of service to me and mine;
To be their friend not only in nssd-fu1 in deed!
Name Ag..
?T-; I the HIPOLITO I Window Screens and Screen Doors

nave been I Used by California I Builders
"Friends of the Forru,t"
San Francisco Cargo Shipments
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Kelley have returned from a week's vacation in Los Angeles, where they were the guests of Mrs. Kelley's relatives. A. A. (Al) Kelley is the popular representative of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. in the Bay District and Sacramento Valley territories.
I. E. Brink, Diamond Match Company, Chico, was a recent San Francisco visitor where he spent a few days attending to business matters, calling o nthe lumber tratle, and toSking over lumber conditioni in the Bay District. V.. Brink ieports that the retail yards of his company are doing a f.airly active business.
Devoting our factory and our sales efiort to window tcreent and acreen doorr through all these yearu has taught us many things. We have perfected our manufacturing procettt methods and even designed special machinery. Alt this to the end that we may make a better product and still sell it at a price to meet competion.
Ask any builder or lumber dealer what he thinks of Hipolitoo.