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a Personality
Don't stand blindfolded 11 r wfren vou bt*.'.. I
"Wh3i a pity it ir-so.n4ny poph apptoach thc subica of how buildlng without undcrstandrtg"-A P&oMIN!NT AMBRICAN ARcHtrEcr A KNOWLEDGE of the A B C's of copies for distribution to their clients. It I \ buildine means much to every person wiil be sent to you gladly without charge. -who ever-expects to build. Architects Just 6il in the coupon below and mail. ",f,* ;::$t.j!:i
- wb aufioliti!:,1"#:o( pnfo better serve yiu. Laluornta rtnes
In order to give you this essential infor,
The best judges of wod worth and value,are mation in simpie, '.rndet.t"ndable form we $:ff*"t1"*lti::5jill',lll?,?fr?i"Tillifl havepublished, and willsend free, a 48 page iliJi,i,"r.ilii"r^"iiiid,,jiriiitfiJ.lil"liJ"'. illustrated book which covers the whole ". dorsmadeofelidcllifomiaPine, range of home building from foundation to the roof.
z{n hour takes the mlster! out of building
No matter what,price,house you intend to build, this book points the way to greater building values and economies. It carries you through every operation in simple text, graphically illustrated. The book also con, tains reDroductrons of many attractrve homes, ^
It tells you what you ought to know about foundations, joists, etudding, rafters, sheathing, roofng, window and door frames, siding, exterior trim, lath, window sash, doors-, interior trim, moldings, built.in fx. tures, garages, garden f,xtures. It tells you how to determine materialp, and construction elements.
An hour's time given to your home now with the guidance ofthis practical and useful book will add greatly to your satisfaction in buildine.
The-name of the book is "Pine Homes" -published in the interests of better build, ing by the California White and Sugar Pine Association. Prominent archttects a.nd builders the country over have requested a eoft. close smined. weatber raisting wood. tt hrs more of the oualities of the Old It has more of tbe qualities Northero pine tban any wq wood b€ing cut today n su6cient qurntities to provide for tbe oroduction of rcft wood dors, It is a wocd suiable for mint or stain and in our j the b&t wood frcm whicb to to udgment is the make solid dmrs. larse panels usually ewell, shrink or check but-these are made from carefully elected Califomia Pine and true economy resultsin the pucia* of the better article."
Attractive, forceful, big-space advertisements of California Pine are everyday being read by actual and ProsPective homebuilders and home-buyers in all parts of the country. The adver' tisements arc aPPeafing in these national magazines:
More than a million interested f eadersy out iustornet s- at e being told about the qualities and uses ofCalifornia Pine. You can convert this interest into cash by carrying stocks of California Pine in your yards at all times-and thereby be ready to sell when the buyet comes to you. In your ownlocal advertising you can tie-in with our advertising by telling Your trade that you carry these fine building woods.
(continued from Pase
28) Bay DiStriCt COncatenation May 19
In commenting on item one, Mr. Didesch said: ,-nL^ D^-- r-\:^!-:^. "r\.ow, rer us roox rnro what these varrous requrremenrs are. rne first, "Adequate Correlated Organization" implies that there be
LOCar groups, state or .F(egronar groups ano a Nauonar gloup. .t-et's rncluqe uanada and calr rr an rnrerrurrronar group. rn a sense, we
Jack Holland arready have those things but they are not correlated, they do not sive several nttmdove-tail, the reason being that there has never been an attempt to other acts already arranged for' set down in black and white just where the work of the thrce divi- p'm' Generally speaking, they function more or less haphazardly, they have no definite goal, and it is with a view of solving that particular
Walter Kelly-..announc-es-that a large sions begins and ends. we have just all sorts of Local groups and class of l(ittens are signed up' Dinner will be served at to my certain knowledge, at least eight State or Regional groups.
Mel Doane A San Francisco Visitor
problem, finding for each its proper sphere in the general scheme Mel Doane, manager of the Southern Lumber Co.,, San of things, that I suggest a Council of Regional Association Execu- Jose, was a San Francisco visitor over the last u'eek end. tives, composed of either the various Presidents and Secretaries or .He -was calling -on the trade and looking over conditions s-imply of the Secretaries. The association heads, more than anyone, in the Bay District. Mr. Doane, who was recently confined have their ears to the ground and certainly know the pulse of the to his home for about ten days with an attack of influenza, industry, their observations are ge-nerally fairminded,-and_if all such states that he is feeling fine and glad to be back on the executives were to get together for a special meeting during this i^l-.-.iconvention and again in the interim between conventions, much constructive work would be accomplished and each Regional would more closely tie-into the general qrogr;rm for--the c-ommon good., It

Denver Taylor On Eastern Trip
occurs to me that there would be an excellent balance wheel or .aftii ""r"i ioi trr"-i"a"rtii,-G"""."-r"itr " Cou"cil could be de-DenverJaylor, sales manager of the California & C)regon pendld upon not to attempt inything in opposition to the common Lumber Co., San Francisco, is on an eastern business tlip. good. f{A will go as far east as the Atlantic Coast. He is calling "Membership in a Regional ass.o.ciation,- it seems, should make it r/r the company's eastern connections and making a ,ur.rre! iifiiTi;'fl-:"#Tii in the eastern ter.it"'1 o - ---- -r added advantage of making every member of the Regional association //an intcgral pait of the Nalionai body."
Now is the time to start a definite selling campaign. Get rid of that tired feeling, stretch your legs and get out and hustle up some business. Throw the clutch into your nerve. There are no speed laws for the highways of trade.