1 minute read
grain of each piece of wood runs differently from its fellow.
"Now, on the foundation of these blocks and edge strips is spread a heavy coating of special waterproof Laminex cement, and then the /a" faces of clear veneer are laid on either side. The stiles are then clamped up under high up hrgh pressure so that the l(" faces are perfectly cemented to the series of blocks and edge strips. Thus a Lamin lx dooi stile is made up of from ten to tuent! pieces of wood instead of one piece, as in the case of a solid stile. That's lamination!
"The Laminex warerproof cement that binds -these laminated pieces together holds firmly after weeks of soaking in water. Laminex cement is stronger than wood and holds the builtup piece perfectly in place. Therefore, we can hbnestlv iav thaf Laminex door construction is carried 'bevond that of the best hardwood doors built. Laininex doors are built to stand use and abuse that no other door will stand. The maker guarantees eoery door to give complete satisfaction. Their manufacture is unexcelled;the faces of the doors are more uniformly perfect than is possible to obtain in solid lunibir."
Here lVloore proceeded to show some of the testimonial letters of other dealers whom he had sold, showing that they had eliminated trouble and dissatisfaction by selling Lamincx doors. Proofs of Laminex advertising convinced Mr. Dickson that there was real merit in Laminex doors; honesty and worth in Laminex claims.
"Well, Moore, Laminex wins. I'm sold. Write me up," Mr. Dickson grinned. "Believe me, I want to earry a trouble-free door if there is one : and you've-convinced me that Laminex is tbe article ."