1 minute read
A shipment of Laminex doors is Partly sold when you get it!
E1IFTEEN million individual copies of I Thc Saturday Evening Post during rgzt will contain dominant advertising of Laminex doors. This is in addition ro advertising in other periodicals and to our thoroughgoing advertising in the past which has akeady built up a definite Laminex demand.
There afe two reasons why Laminex is a profit-rnaker for anv building material dealer in any nook or corner of the coun- try: (r) Laminex doors will not shrink, swell or warp. (z) The public, as well as architects and builders, know this through nauonal advertising featuring the famous Laminex water test.
Send for free details of our plan of merchandising co-operation for dealers. We will also send actual sample of Laminex wood so you can make the fanrous Laminex water test yourself.
The Wheeler, Osgood Company, Dept.2
Tacoma, Washingon
Gcntlemen: We are interested in handling Laminex. dealers; and let us know what jobber near us srocks make the water test ourselves.
Please tell us about your plan of merchandising co-operation for Laminex. Also please send free sample of Laminei *ood, so wc can anil