3 minute read
PntzEs-PLANS PUBLICITY Profrt for PIONEER Dealettl
HE architects, contractors, builders and prospective home owners of Southern California are thinking and talking Pioneer Rock Surfaced Shingles! They will continue to talk about them and they are going to buy and uge them in a steadily increasing volumel
There's a reason-a reason that will mean a great deal to live lumber dealers. Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles are second to non+the people who should know it are going to know itl
From May I st until June I Oth some of the best architects in Southern California will submit designs, for homes ioofed with Pioneer Yosemite Rock Surfaced Shingles, to compete for ttte $SOO, $150 and $100 cash prizes offered in the big California Home Owner-Pioneer Paper Company House Design Competition. Already scores of architects and designers have entered-we are sure of some convincing testimonials of the beauty of Pioneer Shingles.
The people who are interested in building-s1oef of them prospective home builders-are already responding to the announcement of the big Prize Voting Contest, we are conducting in connection with the Competition. Hundreds of prospects have already gent in their e-ntries as voters-they are.rr*iorl" to tryfortheVoters'Prizesof $250, $150 and $100, payable in Pioneer Shingle roofing. Think what this meanst Hundreds of entries from people who want Pioneer Shingle roofs and can use theml These people are only the first to enter as voters-the Voting Contest was only announced on May 3rd and it lasts until July l0tht
Pioneer Paper Co., Inc.
Ertabliehed 1888
Loe Angeler Portland Sal Francirco Seattlc Arcade Station,
Pioneer Manufacturce a Completc Linc of Roofing and Building Papcr Los Angeles, Cal.
(Contin,ued from Page 32) a display room at headquarters-get your share of the space and use it.
The medical association is interested in hygiene-that means proper building, repairs, etc.
The idea is that it is a waste of perfectly good energy to try and do all this work alone when you have such a wonderful corps of assistants, each personally interested, ready and willing to get busy-in your behalf ; for that's what it amounts to.
Start these forces to work for you and then keep the fires burning. You are riding to success in your town car, and it is only common sense to see that all cylinders are sparking.
No sensible man with four horses and a heavy load to haul up a hill will try to do the work with one horse, and hitch the rest on behind.
Never. He will hitch all four up in front and if necessary he will get behind andPUSH
Robert M. Mondell, of Denver, formerly Secretary of the Mountain States Retail Lumbermen's Association, is visiting in California where he is calling on his many lumbermen friends. Mr. Mondell was Secretarv of the Mountain States Association for twelve years, but'resigned his position a few months ago. He has been in Los Angeles for the past few rveeks, and is norv visiting in San Francisco and the Bav District.
Walter Medill Back On Job Again
Walter Medill, McKay & Co., San Francisco, is back on the job again after being confined to his home for two weeks with illness. Walter is convalescing nicely and his many friends are glad to see him back at his desk again.
$2,000,000 Company to Locate in Sacramento
A charter has been filed in Delaware bv E. C. Peck of Sacramento for the United Lumber Yards, Inc. The cap- ital stock was placed at $2,000,00O.
It is understood the company plans to take over several lumber yards in California. Its headquarters will be in Sacramento.

-Rosco_e Price, formerly with the Estimating Department of the Sacramento Lumber Co.. Sacramento.-is nb* associated with the Dudfield Lumber Co.. of palo Alto. Mr. Price was well known and popular with the lumber trade of Sacramento and his many fliends are wishing him success in his new position. He is a nephew of Fred Connor, the well known California lumberman
, George L. Meissner, Valley Lumber Co., Lodi, will leave about the middle of the morith for the East. where he will sail from New York May 29 on the Olympic for a tour *rguqh Europe. He will be accompan;ed by Dr. and Mrs. C. P. Proudfoot of San Luis Obispo. At Carirbridge, Mass., Mr. Meissner will meet his daughter Alice, who"has been attending school there, and she will also accompany the party on the _trip. They expect to be gone abbuf four Tonths egd -plal to visit ten of the European countries. During Mr. Meissner's absence, Lester Eliiott will be in charge at the Valley Lumber Co.