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Nickey Bros., fnc., Opening Coast Warehouse At Los Angeles
Permit has been issued to Nickey Brothers. Inc.. of Memphis, Tenn., Los Angeles omce 5t0 Broaclrvay Arcade Bldg., for a one story double deck frame warehouse 66.8x256 ft. on their property located at 65th and South Park Ave., which comprises approximately three acres. In this warehouse there u'ill be carried a complete stock of kiln dried Southern hardwoods, "N. B. Brand" Oak flooring and Veneers lvhich have been very popular in Southern California for the past few years, and which will be concentrated there for the purpose of supplying the woodworking industry of the Pacific Coast in small quantities.
facture of hardwood lumber for the past fifty years, originating in Southern Indiana and later moving south to Memphis. They now own many thousand acres of virgin timber located in Mississippi, Arkansas and Northerh Louisiana; orn'ir and operate three band mills, Oak flooring mill and Veneer plant at Memphis, Tenn., together with two band mills at Link, Ark.
They specialize in Oak and Gum lumber and Veneers. The Oak stock produced by them is of the forked leaf White Oak and Cherry Bark Red Oak species, two species generally considered to be equal to any other in the country, and conring mainly from the state of Arkansas.
Their Gum is of the variety known as Delta Gum, grorving in large tracts in Mississippi.
Nickey Bros.. Inc.. have recently installed a battery of ten large dry kilns, comprised of five progressive and five compartment kilns. They are equipped with the latest scientific clevices for accurate drying, and are operated by thoroughly experienced men.