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Visalia rcompany to Build Cottages For the Southern California Edison Company
^ ,4,.2'ery intercst.ing _p-iece-of news, reprinted from a recent issue of the Visalia "Morning Dclta" togelhcr with Mr. spalding's comments, in his letter to Floyd A. Dernier, of tltc Lumbermen's Association, Los Angeles, trcators of thc 1,lans to be uicd in the conitruction progrdrn.
The W. R. Spalding Lumber Company has secured the contract from the Southern California Edison company for the erection of eight cottages, five singlecar garages and one double-car garage to be erected in 90 days at Vestal, Citrus Cove and Magnunden, it \\ras announced yesterday. The contract amounts to $30.000.
The contract calls for the supplying of all the material and furnishings by Visalia merchants and mechanics and was secured only after the strongest kind of competition from Southern California, including ready-cut institutions. The cottages are to be complete in every detail and ready for the installation of furniture.
Frank Jackson of the local Spalding Company will be in charge of the construction of these buildings and J. B. Witte of the Edison Company will represent their interests, it is stated here. This represents one of the notable results of the Edison company's building and development program in this territory and is of particular importance to Visalia because, as a result of the enterprise of the local. Lumber company, this r Visalia, California,
My dear Dernier:
I am enclosing herewith copy of thc notiqe that we received yesterday regarding our: secrring the Southern California Edison Company's business against competition from the ready-cut people. Your cut certainly looms up like a thousand dotlars.
Perhaps this article is good ammunition .for our mutual friend. Hart, of the California Lumber Merchant, showing that by fighting for the business you can knock out the ready-cut problem.
With kindest regards, I remain Yours trulv.
To: Lumbermen's Service Association. Los Angeles, California
WRS,/R community will furnish all the labor.and material and likely most of the furnishings.
Millions ofpieces offooring, and wety. one indelibly stampcd "Everla s ting", the qudiw 6ark ofskilled Grand Rapids *ooi *oiL""". Certain of itrunvarling unifonrrity, we are proud to identid our product.