2 minute read
Williamr & Coper Lunber Buyers, Inc., Lumber Buycra, Inc.
215 West oth St., Hoge Bldg., Northwestern Buk
Loc Angelec, Calif. Seattle, Warh. Bldg., Portland, Ore.
Why Sell Redwood?
n NE of our good dealer friends in a recent letter jokingly V remarked that from his standpoint one of Redwood's big disadvantages is its permanence-its great durability makes replacements unnecessary. Nothing short of a cyclone will destroy Redwood. Fungus does not rot it and worms and insects leave it alone. It is a slow burner. Thoroughly painted, it looks well a long time. Even unpainted, it still resists decay. A Redwood house needs little repairing. But this dealer keeps right on ordering Redwood. He finds that telling these sad facts about Redwood to his custorners does not drive them away.
Sometimes he even ventures to remark that according to the U. S. Government Report entitled "Physicol, Mechanical and Chemical Properties of Redwood" there isn't any other wood, either soft or hard, that averages as high on ilurabilitg, Iach of shrinhage, strength as a beatn or post, ease of glueing, a'orkabilit! and ability to "stay put."
(Continued from Page 44.)
months. They will not only sleep on it, but the ladies of the house will use it for their cooling place during the daftime, and it will lend comfort every hour of the day.
Show him the plans that you have for sleeping porches, and have a finished price on your tongue's end for every plan. DON'Tr for Heaven's sake, sell him the material for that porch. If you are simply a raw material salesman, you are wasting time promoting the sale of sleeping porches. The raw material that goes into a porch is small, and the profit per thousand, is negligible.
But your IDEA is worth a fortune to that man and his family, so SELL him the IDEA, and GIVE him the MATERIAL. Deliver him the finished product, and get a PRICE for your BRAINS and SERVICE.
Be sure you have some practical and attractive sleeping porch plans on hand that will fit the average house.
Run an attractive ad in your local paper, back it up by your personal activity, and your sleeping porch campaign is started.
List the people in your torvn and district who SHOULD have sleeping porches but haven't them, .and send each of them the following letter:-
My Dear Sir:-
Wouldn't you like to have someone guarantee that you will sleep coolly and comfortably during the hot nights of the coming summer? Are you going home after a hard day's work in summer's blistering heat and swelter through the night instead of getting your much needed rest ?
Why not build an attractive sleeping porch on your house RIGHT NOW. The small cost of a nifty looking, cool, breezy sleeping porch will astonish you. We have some splendid plans that will appeal to you. Let us show you how you can get a good, cool, refreshing sleep EVERY NIGHT during the summer, and at a cost that will make you wonder why you haven't done it long before. May we? We will await your reply with interest.
Very Truly Yours, HOME LUMBER MERCHANT, O. K. Service, Manager.
By The Way, Mr.
An egotist is a man lvho never gets far enough away from his "I" to get a true persp*ective of himself.
A coat of good paint will co\rer a multitude of shingles -and four bundles of shingles rvill cover a hundred feet of roofing' a a
Don't force an argument on your prospect unless you are ready and able to intelligently debate your side of the questlon.