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presno Hoo Hoo Hold'Friends of the Forest' /-r' Dessron
( 'Mor" than 300 attended the "Friends of the Forest" Colonel John R. White, superintenden! 9f Sequoia and meeting of the Hoo Hoo club of Fresno in the auditorium General Grint national parks, was scheduled to address the "i-itr.'S"" jo"quitr Light and Power corporation ol tb: bodw on "National Parks as Recreational Centers," but was evening of Aprii 28, rvfich opened rvith an outdoor "feed" unable to attend. served"by the eoy' Scouts ind closed *lttr ln., "signing The final address was made uy.X. A. Benedict, district ;fi', ; siation rMl uy A. 1. lcur) Russell of San Fratt-- forest_ supervisor, who spoke 9t1 "gut Forests." He decisco, the toastmaster clared thit every good citizen felt the same way. about the A iirrety musical program, interspersed rvith short ad- forests that he did about his home, and that this sense of dresses Li.raried phises-of American Forest week was the p.ersonal responsibility for tle woods left us would be the feature of the e1r..ritrg, which began with the group singing thing that would preserve them' of "America" before the dinner. Gus Russell introduced by Martin Joh-ns.on, Vicegerent Snark of Hoo Hoo, was the ,r, *"." OTT"DING t6astmastei of the'eveniig.
Palo Alto Si
The Hoo Hoo orchestri, composed of Bob Zimmerman, Building operations in Palo Alto during April of. this Norman Case, Joe Sears, Wayni Clanton, and Eddie De- year, as indiiated by the permits issued, not, only broke Witt, opened ihe musical program, which was supple- preceding April totals by a wide .m_a1Sin and set a new mented Ly selections from thi "tegion Four" quartet. iecord for this year, but were the third largest of any-month
The fiist address of the evening was made by David since the year 1920. Building permits for last month were Schmidt, eagle scout. Schmidt chose "The Forest of the $215,925.80. In July, 1924, the total. reached $365,078,^the Future"-as fiir subject, stressing the needs of conservation greatest month on ricord up to that time, and in June, 1922, and reforestation. - He was followed by W. R. Hepner, in aggregate of. $223,524 was recorded. assistant city superintendent of schools, who told of the work being -done in the public schools to emphasize the imDortance-of the forests^and the need of saving them in
spr-:aking on his subject, "Education for the Appreciation Washington, May 3.-"A Survey of the Lumber Indusoi Natu-re." try" is the subject of an address to be delivered by John W. Rev. E. A. Fridell of the First Baptist church compared Biodgett, of Grand Rapids, Mich., before a'special.meeting the ideals of America with her forests, asserting that "Our of representatives of the natural resources industries to be country's ideals are as high as our giant trees, and are as held-as a part of the annqal meeting__of the Chamber of great as our forests." Ifis theme was "The Forest and Commerce-of the United States at Washington, May 20 American Ideals." to 22.