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Why and How to Write Letters
An authority has said:
"Letters are divided into two main classes, personal and business. The reason for business letters is found in the needs of taking care of the commercial transactions of the world.
"Friendly letters or just letters are written that lve and those to whom we are near and dear may keep our lives in touch and share mutual aspirations.
"Personal letters are too often: 'I am well. I made $1000 in a trade yesterday. I have a new car. Come to see us and so forth.' Personal letters may serve a purpose in being news sheets. But the art of letters is in self-expression, fully, unreservedly and gracefullv, and in promoting growth in life and mind and spirit. Never can one express him or herself any more touchingly and beautifully than in- letters'
"Many persons yearn to give expression to the thoughts that arise- in them and would gladly turn their emotions and thoughts into words. Practice in letter writing c-aus€s persons t-o become able to exPress clearly strong -and stiriing feelings in language. Literary persons generally in the beg'innings of their careers write many letters and most ot them keep up this practice alwaYs.
"To bring beauty, peace and growth into life always be a letter write; and improve your lives and letters as life goes on.
"The way to write letters is to write them. Write infinite letters desiribing the daily happenings of life-freely:- 9trestrained and naturally, just as though you were talking face to face. Try humorous letters. Try philosophical letters. Try literary letters.
"Get correspondents who will criticize an4 analyze-your letters and wfio will be glad for you to do the same things for them.
"Make letters a study availing yourself of whatever technical and other helps- you can. The more of time' se1f, thought and well regulated and regular correspondence, the gteailr the pleasure and happiness theie will come to you therefrom.
"Don't get too old for friendly and personal letters and drop youicircle of corresponde,nts forever. This is a fatal misiai<e. Pick up and retie the broken threads. Keep yourself young and in tune by the writing of rnany, many letters.
"Is not a change going to come over you today and s-weeP your orvn wodd ana Uiing with it many gr-eat, good and bleasant things-tender recollections and rekept promises ind vows? Why not now the habit of friendly and literary letters? This liitle booklet is your pledge and obligation'"
Architects, contractors, retail lumbermen, home builders and other users of lumber in all sections of the United States are manifesting great interest in the innovation of grade-rnarked and trade-marked lumber officially insti lrted on April I by the subscriber mills of the Southern Pine Association.
Under the grade-marking plan just triut into operation by the Southern Pine Association subscribers, on the end of each piece of lumber or timber produced by these mills there will be plainly marked a number within a circle, which identifies the mill producing the lumber, the letters "SPA," as the official symbol of the Association and the grade of the piece, for example: "B & BTR" for B and Better. or "No. I COM" for No. 1 Common, or whatever the grade may be.