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You cantt beat it
B,ry Panels as you I neeo tnemfrom local stocks
Subrcription Pricc, $2110 per YGrr
Single Copicq 25 ccatr cech.
How Lumber Looks
There has been mo're lumber rold south of the Tehachapi, in the past two weekr than has been sold in any other two wcekr in this year, according to all reports.
Thfu is a plearant indication and should herald a better balence of May and entire month of June, for the wholerale man, who har not been rclling as rnuch lurnber as he would have liked to.
It can truthfully be said that the retailer is payittg a better price than prevailed two weeks and thirty dayr ago, not yet entirely in line with the mills' idear, but slightly higher in dl items except lath and they are rtill wild.
All the above is in regard to the Southern part of tte rtate. The yards are doing a nice burinecs, with no excep- tions. In San Diego, San Bernardino, Santa Barbaran Lor Angeler, and otter disrrics, a ratiafactory amount of new building fu starting and is in immediate procpect to give the lumbennan a good vohme, probably all through the surnmer.
Late advice from the Bay Dirhict reveals the following: Douglas Fir (cargo)Conditions in the San Francirco market rhows very little change. A good wolume of lwnber is moving by cargo. The dernand continues fair with prices to the trade rernaining about the rarne. Dealers report thet prices are still off.
(RaiD-The gen€rd demand in Northern Califorrria is fair. The Sacramento and Bakersfield Districts are fairly ac{ive, with Fremo rhowing some irnprovernent and the market there lookr more promising than it har for the past couple of yeara The dernand in Stockton has slowed up.
In San Francirco, the carpenterr' rtrike ia etill on and dre rtrike rituation has slowed up both the cargo and rail dernand to some extent. Building permits in San Francisco for tbe mont[ of April aggregated a total of $7,299,451, which b the largert month on record. The total permits for the ea,me momth in 1925 were $6,1021731.
California White and Sugar Pine-The California White Pine dernand continues fair. The Sugar Pine rrnrket is astive. Pricer remain firm. With weather conditions now becoming rnore favorable in the eart, the pine lealenr are looking for the eastern marketr to show much improvernent.
Redwood-The Redwood market chows practically no change. The demand continues fair with prices remaining firm.
Here ir an opinion from Portland: tOn tte dircouraging side ir to be found tte recent re ductiotr in cargo freiiht-rates to the Atlantic coart whicrh has fruther dernor-dized that merket and deferred tte day when buying will be done on a nornral mill rhipment -b-i* The exiecive annount of lumben on hand at the Cdifornia cargo marketr deo placeo that field in the disappointnent colurn. Conditions in california are hard to figrre out becarne tte rnurually fine crop outlook tfiere should be enorryh to- w-q1rant a h""ry conrumption of lunben and it will probably come, but like the Atlantic coast market that ia alro a quec' tion. - The export dernand might be pLaced in the neutrd cohunn, as it is draggntg along betrrind the domestic rmrtets.
"The general outlook precentr ruch a conrtantly rhiftlrS front that it is practicalty lmporeible to arrive at any conclurion ar to what tte futrre holds.
"On'tfie brigbt riiile, the car material market ir by far the bed and the volunre of select common is still helping to bolrter up the rail cutting business and the prorpectr ar-e' with the rnills well sold up on select comltx)n that thir gfade will rernain firm rmtil Julv or Augrrst, even if only a limit€d arnormt of new orders develop in the meantirne. Next to car material comes the demand for yard stock from the Middle Weat. According to all reports weather in much of rihat tenitory has been such that building has been slow in getting under way and has only recently been taking a-ncrrnal spdng voltrme. A nurnber of concerrrs in Oregon and Wash' l"gto" have reported an increased volume of yard-orderr coming in duing the last week and there ig reaton to believe that tf,e MiddlJWest retail yards will buy in good volrrne during May apd Jrme with a etrong posribility that t{rere mighi be an increase rufficient to give ttre pricer more rtrength.tt
On his way to attend the annual meeting of the Lumbermen's Club of Arizona, at Nogales, on May 14th and 15th, Mr. A. J. (Gus) Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Company, San Francisco, spent three days in Los Angeles, with his Southern California agent, Mr. Bruce L. Burlingame.
Mr. Russell is quite optimistic over the lumber prospects for the state and particularly in the Bay region