7 minute read
Interesting Check on Advertising
Retail lumber merchants who perhaps have been accustomed to take national advertising largely on faith, will be interested in the results of some recent experiments conducted by the Creo-Dipt Company, Inc., of North Tonawanda, N. Y.
"Of course, we have long been firm believers in advertising in the lumber trade publications," said .Mr. H. P. Kendall, Jr., president of Creo-Dipt, in discussing the experiment, "but we wanted to check up on the extensive advertising which we have been doing direct to the home o]lrner,. through the medium of the widely read national magazlnes.
"How much does this advertising actually help a dealer in Evansville, Indiana, or Troy, N. Y.? Does it reach the people he wants to sell ? Is it the strongest sales help we could give him? Those were the questions our investigation was to answer.
"We took a typical town of 30,000 people as our first test case. Our representatives went into the leading lumber dealers and contractors, laid their calling cards face down on the table, and asked the dealer if they could ask him some questions before revealing who they were. In every case the dealers, more or less amused, said, "Shoot !"
"The first thing our men did was to bring out the mailing list of the Saturday Evening Post, with the names typed out on blank sheets of paper.
"'What type of people are these ?" they asked the lumber merchant. "Do they represent prospects you'd like to sell ? Would they make a good mailing list for you ?
"In every case the lumber dealer recognized most of the names as those of substantial citizens. In fact, one or two of the dealers were eager to buy the list for their own use.
"'When our representatives revealed their identity and told the dealer that very list was being covered by thirteen full-color Creo-Dipt messages a year, the lumber dealers were actually astonished. They had entertained no idea that national advertising was reaching such a tremendous number of their real prospects.
"In another case which u'e checked," continued Mr. Kendall, "we asked five home owners who had rebeautified old houses with Creo-Dipts, where they had learned about them. We found four out of five.were readers of magazines in which Creo-Dipts were being advertised and the fifth had seen one of the other four jobs.
"Of course, in itself such advertising is only part of a manufacturer's duty to his trade. But when backed up with window displays, proper folders, samples; booklets and direct mail promotion, it is interesting to see how completely it can blanket a possible market.
Mcrnbcr Californie Rcdwood Arocietiou
Crockcr Building
Phonc Suttcr 6170
Lrnc Mortgagc Bld3.
Phonc TRinlty 22E2
Adcguetc ttoragc rtocl at Sen Pcdro
New Retail Yard At Los Banos
The Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. of T.,os Angeles are starting a new retail lumber yard at Los Banos. The Hayward Lumber & Investment Co. are large lumber operators in Southern California, where they operate several retail lumber yards.
Nine LaryeWeyerhaeuser Mills like this one are producing GmuineWhite Pine. Capacity 250r0001000 feet every year Stock for immediate shipment. 150,0001000 feet on hand all the time.
When anybody tells you that White Pine is ttscarcet'or ttcantt be had r" ot is ttabout played out"-pick up your phone and call for the Weyerhaeuser Man. You'll get Genuinc Vhite f N almost every community there is a demand for certain White Pine items. And there probably always will be. For certain definite uses there is no substitute for White Pine. The pattern maker and foundry man use it every day. For house siding, cornice, outside trim and millwork itemsWhite Pine has no peerand the demand for it keeps up among better builders. The wide awake lumber merphant is seeing to it, today as always, that he gets his share of the local White Pine business. fle knows where the demand ie, makes it his business to supply it and thus isn't bothered with outside competition. ness you are overlooking profits that ought to White Pine is a quality lumber product-a be yours' good item to top the line. It keeps the local merchant who stocks it in touch with industrial lumber buyers in his town. It is the finest kind of introduction card to designers and builders of quality homes.
Pine, all you want of ia And as for the gualig, read what Mr. Edgecomb says on the next page.

If you are neglecting this angle of your busi'
All lumber sold by the Weyerhaeuser mills as White Pine is tlne genuine article of the true, five-needle White Pine family. Each piece in the better grades is so marked on the face. Thus you can offer White Pine guarantee d genuine at the source of production.
Plain Facts for Lumber Dealers about White Pine
1 White Pine-guaranteed genuine and so marked I. -is obtainable from Weyerhaeuser mills in carIoads or mixed cars.
C The supply of White Pine has not run out, will Qo not for many years, perhaps never.
The laraest producers in the world of White Pine J. are inci6asiirg their production. 9 Weyerhaeuser mills are now producing it. Another large mill is under construotion at Lewiston, Idaho. A
The trend in'White Pine buying among pattern -T. shop and foundry users is back to the old method
Mr. Edgecomb \ffrites about the Qgality of Veyerhaeuser White Pine
W. H. Edgecomb & Sons of Knoxville, Pa., is one of the oldest retail lumber companies in that part of the country. Theyarewell known as White Pine dealers.

Recently they purchased e csr of 'Weyerhaeuser White Pine. Theif comments on its quality are indeed interesting, considering the le4gth ol time this company has bben handlinC Wbite Pine. The extr*t foem their letter reads:
"Wo ooaridcr thc oer ol ldrho Whito Pinc, rcoeatly lo ooivod lroo you, tho 6nort lot of Whitc Piroto brvo cvcr hrd
"Thc rtook ir vcty ntlrfrotory rnd you till hcrr froo ur rtria rhoo rc rro il aocd ol rnothcr cr of Whito Piac."
-direct from the local lumber dealer where White Pine, guaranteed genuine,is obtainable on personal selection in the quantities desired without delays.
'Weyerhaeuser national advertising is acquainting buyers with the White Pine situation and is directing them to local dealers for their supplies. The Weyerhaeuser, representative will be glad to explain the Weyerhaeuser plan and to help you secure local White Pine business.
Special Vhite Pine Service
All Wcycrhrcuror ldrho rbipocntr of Gonuinc Whitc Plrc ia rll lndcr No.3 Comooa rnd bottor rurfrocd rro rpcoicr.mrrkcd tr rhorn ebovo. From tbo Wcyorhrouror Mianootr millr dl rurhood Scleotr aad Shopero rpcoicr-mrrkcd tnd tho rpcoicr.arrk ir dro rpplicd to ell Cloquct rhipocntr of No. I Gomnoa rnd No. 2 Coo. moo rurloood rll Whito Pinc thca ro ordcrod. Rough lumbcr in cithcr Sclcotr or Shop orn dro bo rcourcd rpooior.oertcd thcn rc rpcoifcd lron cithcrol thc rbovc ptoduoint dirtriotr. No crtrr oherlo ir rrdc lor thir rcrvioc.
Sales Company
MINNBAPOIJS] g06 nFrouth Buildiag
Veaehaaset SaIa Compary it chc combhnd selliag organkatbr of the follotiag Ycycrhac*tct Mills and Dfuttibatiag Plaas: qoSuct lrrmbor Co. Ctroquctr Minn. Bonncn Ferry Lurnbcr Co. Bonncn Fecy, Ideho Potlrtch Lurnber Co. . . Podctcf,r ldeho
Thc Northca llc. Co. Ooquct, Minn. Snoqrl.tric F.llr Lunbcc C,o., Snoquehic Fdb' Vob. Boire Payctte Lunbe.r Co. BobG' Id.ho
Johruon.VennuorthC.o.rOoquctrMinn. HumbirdlunberC.o. ...Sandpoim,Ideho VeyerheeurerTmbr.Co.rEveattrv.th.
VoodConvctrionCo. Ooquct, Mim. Bdwatrd Ruttedge Tinbet C-o. Cocur d'Alenc, Ideho WeycrhrcrucrTmbr.C.o.rBahinooe'llild. Weyerhreurcr Timber C.o. Minacrote Ttanrful St.Paulr Mi...
Announces Bonus Plan
A bonus plan by which employees will receive at Christmas time a check equal to $5 for each month of service up to $60, was announced yesterday by J. H. Clark, secretary and treasurer of the Buttress Manufacturing Company. The plan is operative as of January l, 1926, and is applicable to all employees after they have been with the company for one year.
"We employ only American labor under the American plan in our plant," said Mr. Clark yesterday, "and we have decided to adopt a plan by which we can indicate to our employees our material appreciation of their loyalty. As a matter of fact, at least half of our employees have been with us since the inception of our company four years ago, and the bonus plan which we have inaugurated will apply to practically everyone at our plant.
The business of the Buttress company is progressing satisfactorily, Clark declares, and 1926 promises to be the biggest year in the company's history, as the demand is growing for both wall board and plaster board, the two principal products of the company.

Roddy Mulholland Celebrates
Roddy Mulholland, the elongated gentleman who sells a whole lot of panels, etc., for the California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, is wearing the grin that won't come ofi.
A boy, born April 17th.
The pessimist says: "Any milk in that pitcher?"
But the optimist says: "Please pass the cream."
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Russell had as their guest onMay 7, Mrs. Myrtle Cowan of Houston, Tex., who arrived in San Francisco on the Cunard Liner Franconia. Mrs. Cowan is just completing a tour around the world, which was begun in January, when the Franconia sailed from New York. The remainder of her trip will include a stop at Los Angeles for a few days, from where the Franconia will leave for New York via the Panalna Canal. Mrs. Cowan is a sister-in-law of Harry T. Kendall, the well known Southern lumberman and general sales manager of the Central Coal & Coke Co., with headquarters in Kansas City. The Santa Fe Lumber Co., of which A. J. Russell is manager, represents the Central Coal & Coke interests in California.
At the annual meeting of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers to be held at Lake Tahoe June 23 to 26, 1926, one of the important features of the program will be some new information on farm buildings and structures. Advice to this effect has just been received from Deane G. Carter, Professor of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Arkansas, who will have charge of the farm Structures program. Professor Carter is recognized as an authority in this phase of agricultural engineering.
R. E. Tracey, Friend & Terry, Sacramento, was a San Francisco visitor during the past week, where he spent a few days looking over market conditions and calling on the lumber trade. He states that lumber market conditions in his seetion are satisfactory.
O you know that every lJ dingy old house in your town means,a possible sale of Creo-Dipts and lumber?
Your contractor can lay CreoDipts right over old siding, for less than it would cost the home owner to keep on re-painting.
This Cre o-D ipt business brings lumber business, too, for most home owners take the opportunity to remodel and bring their home up to date.
If new building is slow, there is no better way to build up sales than by starting a Creo- Dipt re-beautifying campaign. We have prepared a practical plan to help you do it. Write us for the details. CREO -DIPT COMPANY. Inc., Oliver Street, North Tonawanda, N.Y. In Southern California: A. G. Bartlett Btdg., 7th and Spring Sts., Los Angeles, Cal. In Northern California: Tames A. Walsh, 875 Bush- St., San Francisco. California.