1 minute read
Dry Kilns
box of screws, a sack of plaster, a can of paint, a sack of four, seed potatoes, garden seeds, machinery, and in fact, EVERYTHING ELSE WHICH HE BIJYS.
He only ll'ants IDENTIFICATION and the acknowledgment of parentage, because of the protection which it afrords him.
The trouble with the lumber business has been that the public was forgotten by the manufacturer and the retailer.
And the public is just as important in the lumber industry as it has'been in every other industry.
Suspicion must be eliminated, and until the user of lumber is provided with the one thing that he has persistently demanded in the purchasing of every article that he has svgl u5sd-IDENTIFICATION-he will continue to be suspicious.
And as long as the ULTIMATE USER is suspicious, there isn't the faintest chance of manufactu'rer. wholesaler or dealer getting anywhere.
When the manufacturer sends a log through a modern sawmill and produces a board which would bring joy to the heart of any inhabitant of the United States, regardless of whether he uses lumber or not, HE IS DUTY BOUND TO GIVE THAT BOARD A NAME SO THAT THE PROTECTION WHICH HIS NAME AFFORDS WILL BE PROVIDED IN ALL FUTURE PURCHASES.
Without this protection the board is thrown out into the channels of commerce without a fighting chance.
And that is just where the whole trouble lies today.
Mr. IJser feels that he is entitled to some insurance and protection from the maker, and merchandising history proves that he is right and that he is going to get it.
It is the final solution of a vast majority of problems which permeates the lumber industry today.
The public is really the deciding factor in the controversy, and the public has already decided the question of IDENTIFICATION so unanimously that we know the answer to the question of trade-marked lumber long before the polls are closed.
Plainly marked lumber was as inevitable as the tide. It had to come. The same force which brought about identified products in other lines would by the same natural law bring about the same result in the lumber business.
Moore's natural draft and mechanical recirculating kilns of practical and modern typer.
Complete line of dry kitn equipment, urch ar trrrclo, transfer carr, recordiog and regulating inrtrumentr, lrmrber liftr and fat and edge lumber stackerr.