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Two Elements of Success
Some truly wise man has said that two fundamental and infdlible ruIes for business gucoeEs are:
First-ahvays be on the level
SeconLAlways be on the iob.
Some more cynical critic has said that an honest and active man SHOULD be EuGGeEE. ful-he hag so little competition.
Certain it is that a man possessed of tlrose hro fine characteristics is alwaye in demand.
The first question that every man aske concerning another is-'ls he thorotrghly honest and dependable?"
Everything els€ is necessarily secondary. If he is the least bit inclined to be shady in his ideas of integrity, he has already undermined
He Tried It Once
"Why don't you advertise?"
Storekeeper'-r'\fs siree, I tried it once and it pretty near ruined me."
"How ryas that?"
"Why people came in and bought nearly all the stuff I had."
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcrr of C-aliifornia White and Sugar Plne Lumber Millr at Suanville and Hilt, CaL
ISO,OOO,OOO Feet Annud Cepacity
B. W. ADAMS, Mgr. Salec Dept. First National Bank Bldg. - San Francirco the usefulness of any otrher valuable assets he rnay Flssess. And if he isn't thoroughly reIiable and dependable he is clorely akin to being crooked, because undepen&bility and rascality are first cousins, so far as their effect on the rest of the world is concerned.
Some rules ttat have been voiced throughout the world's history have had their debaters and do,trbters, but the rule that says a man MUST be honest to be any good in the world has never been attacked except by tfrieves.
There is only one man more deepicable than a crook< miser. Less hannful, perhaps, but $nallsl-rneans1.
Being on the level, and on the job, are two characteristics that are almost inseparable in fact, and delightfully cornbined in usefulness.
A Bargain
Auto Demonstrator (who had been trying to sell the car for three hours) : "Now I will throw in the clutch."
Uncle Eben: "I'll take her then. I knew if I held ofr long enough ye'd give me something to boot, b'gosh !"