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(The Clearing House)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
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Rate: $2.s0 per colurnn inch
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The Fellow Who Wantsto Hire
The F ellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Competent and cxperienced Hardwood Salesman for San Francisco territory. Want a producer and one who is familiar with Hardwood Grading Rules. State salary expected and give references. Address Box A-160, care California Lumber Merchant. 5-1-1
Thoroughly experienced lumbermano all departments, desires permanent position with retail concern, where opportunity for advancement is sure. Age 32, married. Arn particularly capable in estimating work and accounting, and consider myself able to handle any position in a retail yard. Fair salary to start. Address Box A-162, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Eastern territory, one for Central Western ter, ritory. Reply, give experience, former connection' age and salary wanted. Address "MSM"; care California Lumber Merchant.
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale' Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A-127, care California Lumber Merchant. 2-1s-tf.
Arizona Opportunity
Capable man with $10,000 to $15,000 may have control of business established ten years and making money with volume of $3,000 to $5,000 monthly. Profits will be guaranteed to proper person. Address Box A-163, care California Lumber Merchant. 5-l-2
For Sale
Single band saw mill, box factory in connection, short railroad and logging equipment complete, located main line railway, plenty of timber available. Address Box 4-164, care California Lumber Merchant. 5-15-2
Hinkley Spears & Hayes-Corliss Type-Single Cylinder Engine 8x30 in.--about 100 H.P.-complete. In almost new condition, as was in use only five hours. Address communications to Box No. 557, Modesto, Calif. 4-15-2
Pine operation in Plumas County, Califo,rnia, for sale. One mile from railroad. Twenty million feet, 60 per cent Pine. Adjoins large tract of forest reserve timber. Hugh S. Herman, owner, Gilroy, Calif. 5-l-4
Yard For Sale
Los Angeles Lumber yard fully equipped and doing nice business for quick sale, $6,00O.00 full piice. Addresi Box A-165, care California Lumber Merchant. 5-15-1. . 200 heavy , n- *:;I i.t*11',.u ror assembring loads-good condition-$2.00 each.
Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Lumber, sas! and door estimator with building constructior_experience wants position with company where there is chance for advancement. Address Box-A-i61. care California Lumber Merchant. 5-1-1.
-T1os Angeles retailer offers small yard on the edge of Los Angeles for sale at attractive price and terml.
Total investment would not go over $10,000 and favorable tenns bould be arranged. Present owner ourns groun{ which he will lease at low figure.
Yard doing enough business to show good living for one man and can easily be increased by live wire who can merchandise and successfully meit competi- tion.
Address Box F-122, care California Lumber Merchant.