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finnocner'a of National Advertising and l1s"l"r Promotion that will givl the wodd a new conception of ltrfest Coast !7oods and Lumber Resources. The lisr of publications whose circulation toals five million and read by wenty million will be used continuously.
Supplementing this will be $ade exrension booklets which will put the uses of Douglas Fir before the lumber seller, the builder, the contractor, the engineer and the general public.
Suitable sales helps will be furnished the retail and wholesale lumber trade. Exhibits will be made in cooperation with the lumber retailer and with local home building programs. Trained technical men will be put into the field to cooperate with the reailer, the architect and the re-manufacturer. These men will seek out new channels of trade, new marke6, new uses. ffEvery lumber dea[er and lumber salesman should haye d cob"y of our bookletll ll "Doiglds Fir-Anerica\ Petmanent Lumber Suboly,".which iinti;"t foos abo"ill llthe great Douglas Firindustrynaabefore publishiL iiuillhelpyou sellkorelunber)l
The basis of all this development work for Douglas Fir byWest Coasllumbermen is his tested faith in the future of his industry. He knows that the forests of trhe West Coast under modern methods of lumbering and forestry will be a permanent source of lumber supply for tfie entire country. The mills and rowns in this forest reglon have been built for permanence.