3 minute read
Wefding the chain of a truly natlonal lumber seryiee
McCormiick facilities,@ill embrace timbn, milkrsteamships and sales ofrnt-
t-fio SUCCEED as a marketer implies the ability to I know two things -,the source of supply and the placing of this source ofsupply atthesenrice of those who need it.
That is the solid foundation on which the new McC,ormick structure is being built. As a marketing and distributing organization, our volume has steadily increased. For thelast five yearis, we have averaged over four hundred million feet a yerrr.
Now the McCormick facilities include a most complete shipping service by Munson-McCormick, with weekly sailings from coast to coast.
Four big lumber mills, backed by one of the finest timber stands, are now being pushed to completion. At St. Helens, the Mdormick treating plant is equipped to treat 3010001000 feet of timber anntrally. For thirteen years, McCormick creosoted produas have set a standard with railroads and large users of ties, pili"g and timbers.
Thus the chain of a truly national lumber service is fast being welded. Ghas.
State Association Directors Meet At San Diego
The quarterly meeting of the California Retail Lumbermens Association's Board of Directors was held on May 5th, at San Diego.
Among the subjects of interest was the proposed national uniform mechanics lien law that is to be drafted by a committee appointed by Secretary Herbert Hoover some months ago. The association is not in favor of the proposed measure unless it is similar to the present mechanics lien on the statute books of this state. It was brought ou! that the California measure is excellent in every respect and that th.e proposed national lien law will have to be similar in all respects before the organization will indorse it.

The certificate plan, whereby the lumber dealer furnishing material for a new house issues a certificate showing the standard grade of all the material used and its construction.
Directors attending included F. N. Gibbs, Anaheim; William T. Davies, Pasadena; Paul M. P. Merner, Palo Alto; Charles P. Curran, Pomona; C. E. Bonestel, Ventura; A. D. White, Riverside; W..V. Whitson, Santa Ana; R. F. Wells, Turlock; J. F. Wright, Porterville; Paul Hallingby, Los Angeles; A. J. Stoner, Sawtelle; C. W. Pinkerioir, president, Whittier; Mrs. J. E. Fraser, secretary, San Francisco; E. W. King, Bakersfield; G. H. Hoff and H. L. Sullivan of San Diego. Guests included H. G. Larrick, Solana Beach; W. D. Hall, El Cajon; E. Steffensen, Fullerton and Fred Hamilton, F. J. Garland, Edward E. McCormick, Frank Lynch, Jerry Sullivan, and Emil Klicka, all of San Diego.
Roy E. Hills, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, has returned to his desk again after spending the past month visiting the lumber trade of the east and making a survey-of lumbei conditions in the eastern markets. He went as far east as New York, visiting many of the larger lumber consuming centers while en route. He returned west over the southeln route, where he called on the trade in the southwestern states. In speaking of conditions in the eastern market, he states that they have had a very late spring which has retarded the deinand for lumber. However, he reports that the retail yards are now moving a good-volurne of-lumber, and that most of the eastern dealers predict that a large volume of West Coast lumber will be used during the summer months.
J. C. Owens, D. C. Rounds and R, tr. Melin of Los Angeies were San Francisco visitors during the first of the iveek on company business matters. They are all connected with the Ow-ens-Parks Lumber Co., the well known Los Angeles retail lumber concern.
Eagle Lumber Company started operating a night shift at its mills at Westimber, Oregon, May 1st, and is now cutting 300,0@ feet of lumber in 16 hours.
Recent irnprovements at the plant include the -enlarge- ment of the- planing mill and the installation o{ a new Archer burner, 70 leet in diameter.
The company has moved its offices from the Lumbermen's Building-to Suite 803-8 Yeon Building, Portland, Ore.
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