1 minute read
Arc Crusffng FIRE
IWhen your plant lies in ruins under the Foot of Fire, the first necessity is gooil insurance in ailequale amounl to rebuild and restore.
The second consideration is the cost.
Lumber Mutual Policies provide a rcal fire prevention service to help you keep fire out, with r*ources and a reputation for prompt settlement when losscs occur. Through tho dividends, which return from 30/o to 45/o of the original premium paid, the insurance is actually furnirhed at absolutc ctict.
You can't afford to take chances on quality protcctionbut it ir wicdom to savc oD cosb when quality is assurod.
Write nny of lhese companie lor special folder, "The Crushing Fool of Fire,'i anil for furlher informalion aboul the ailva* laga for you in l-umba Mutual lwurqrct,.