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Northwestern Mutual Firc Arsociation of Seatdc, Wash l.umbermcnc'Mutual Insurance Co. of Mansfield, Ohio
Indiana Lumbcrmcnc Mutual Inrurance Co,, of Indianapolic, Ind.
The Lumber Mutual Fire Ingurance Co., of Bocton, Ma$.
Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia, Pa-
Central Manufacturers Mrutual Incurancc Co., of Van Wcrt, Ohio.
Jim Chase Goes With Little River
J. $r,I. (Jimmie) Chase,: tor ttr{fst year with W: R. Charnberlin & Company, in Losgngpfes, has left his-Southern California haunt#to malge;laisofiome 7t Arcata, where he wil,l open and manage . r.t*i i*A $f the'Little River Redwod4Company. . "'/
Jim efuse is one of the best'.lcnoftnyand best liEed of California's lumQermen. Hi. hagl breetr in the stdte for about ten years, and"ha,s a wide iarrfe of experienc€ in the game: Prioi to.his conne6tion with Chamberliri' he was Salep Manager fclr the Woodhead Lumber Company at Los Angi:les.
The yard that he will open for the Little River Redwood Company is a new ventuie with this institution, being their first retail establishment.
Arcata is but a few miles North of Eureka, on the coast, and is a hustligg town of about four thousand people with but one other yard. The new plant will be open in about sixtydays. i , i .,, ,i
Jimmie says that his yald wi;ll$be b reafif'Mr. Pep" outfit.
He is building d modern offi,ce building, tntirely of Redwood, and will have extensive show rooms for the display of built-in features and other materials.
All timepieces in McCloud and logging camps of the McCloud River Lumber Co. were moved one hour ahead on Monday, May 3. The light saving plan will be in force until fall. No other Siskiyou county camps have installed the daylight saving plan.
Arthur Edgecumbe Visits San Francisco
Arthur Edgecumbe, well known British Columbia shingle manufacturer, and a member of the Edgecumbe-Newham shingle interests with operations at Vancouver, B. C., was visiting in San Francisco around the first of the month looking over the shingle market in California. While in the Bay District, he was the guest of A. J. Russell of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. Mr. Edgecumbe left for Minneapolis to attend the Stained Shingle Convention, after which he will make a tour of the large shingle consuming centers of the east.
San Francisco Building Permits for April Smash Records; fi7,299,451 / in Construction Planned
Building permits issued by the city of San Francisco during the month of April amounted to $7,299,451, which is the greatest month on record and brings the total in permits issued so far this year up to $21,109,- 184. This compares with $6,102,731 for April of last year and $18,508,806 for the first four months of, 1925. According to the figures as compiled by the Chief Building Inspector, the total number of permits issued last month was 981. These were divided as follows: