1 minute read


A tight, trim job; corners snug and close-fitting after years of service. Thatts one satisfactory result of buitding well with Redwood. Says Eli J. Blanchard, Stockton, California, owner of a home finished with 3/x8r, clear Colonial siding- sendfor tt none of the corner joints have opened and there are no splits. I know of no other wood that would have stood up so well under similar conditions.t, All of the corners on Mr. Blanchard's house are mitred, with no patent or wooden corner plates. His statement helped Henry Hink, Dolbeer and Carson Lumber Company, win a prize in the recent Redwood sales contest.

Profit by this quality of Redwood. In this and other amazing attributes Redwood ranks first by government test among other Pacific Coast building woods.

Talk Redwood this year. Send today for a fresh supply of "Redwood l{ome Plans by California Architects.tt


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