1 minute read
Anothetr lForward Step Xn Long"Be[[ Servi.ce
-sheeds up rush shipments and rush in4rllries W fue ilays by ilirect wire to West Cocst plants
-. @PEEDING up rush shipments
\g) of Douglas Fir and California White Pine by an average of five days is one result of the installatioir of a private printer.telegraph service between the Long-Bell general oftces atKansas City, and its plants at Longview, \Uash., and Weed, Calif. It is said to be the longest private wire of its kind in commercial usrapproximately 2,8@ miles long.
By means of this new service, thq Kansas City ofices can transmid orders immediately to these 1$7esq Coast plants at the rate of thirryJ five words a minute.
"The establishing of thrs private wire between Longview, Weed and Kansas City,"said R.A.Long, chairman of theboard,"is another step toward improving our s€rvice,linking as it does these offices, as though one, in the matter of communication. This is on uodertaking well in keeping with the Long.Bell policy of providing its customers with the best for the present, and of anticipating Itheir needs in the future."
The Long.Bell Lumber Company
R. A. Long Bldg. Kenn Cby, Mo. Lmhcrrncn Sirg 1875
TheseTrade.Marked Long,Bell Products:
Douglar Fir llmber and Timbera; Southern Pine Lunber and Timbers; Cr.eoaoted llmber, Tim. bera, Posts, Polea, Tiea, Guar&Rail Ports, Piling; SouthernHardwoodLum. ber and Tlmbers; Oak Flooring; CalifomiaWhite Plne Lumber; Saah and Doors; Box Shooks.