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Profit for the trrrrfter Merchant car s-N
It is a fact that the largest shippers of citrus fruits and vegetables are using MOISTITE car lining, but many are not taking advantage of this opportunity to increase their sales in the Eastern markets.
The fact that the Citrus fruit shippers of California are using this new car lining in the shipment of their fruits should be good testimony as to the value of MOISTITE as a liner for freight cars.
This waterproofed lining paper is of great value in keeping out the cold and moisture of winter and the heat of summer-thus perishable products arrive in the best of condition at the Eastern markets and bring top prices because spoilage is reduced to a minimum when this lining is used.
The lumber rnerchant who handles MOISTITE car lining has an exclusive selling talk about the merchandise that enables him to meet the competition of other linings and insulator papers.
Remember Mr. Lumber Dealer when you stock MOISTITE car lining you are backed with a practical merchandising and advertising campaign, including many effective dealer helps.
Write to the nearest division of Zellerbach Paper Cornpany for prices and furtiher information regarding MOISTITE car lining.
Zellerbach Paper Company
Exclusioe Pacific Coast Distributorc of MOISTITE Sheathing and Car Lining
San Francisco - Oaldand - Fresno- Sacramento
[.os Angeles - San Diego- Portland Seattle - Spokane Salt Lake City
(Continued from Page 28) of all grades, preparing it for piling and for transmission to the dry kilns, of which there are 28 of the Northwest blower type. They have automatic control to govern heat, humidity and moisture content. timber dock to railroad cars, as well as for storing lumber from the green lumber and export sorter. The lumber from the green lumber and export sorter is placed by means of a monorail hoist onto a set of live rolls which delivers the lumber in under the bridge crane.
The lumber from the dry kilns goes to three unstacker sheds, each 1228 feet long, where it is unstacked and sorted as to grades, width, length and thickness. It is then transferred to three storale sheds, each 1228 feet long, from rvhere it is later taken to the planing mill.
In the planer are various machines for making flooring, ceiling, finish, drop siding, molding, etc. Each machine is operated by electrrc motor under separate controls. From here the product is taken either to the dressed storage sheds or loading sheds.
It took more than 1O0 cars of logs daily to supply the first unit, and with the second in full operation the daily demand will approach 150 cars. These are extra large sized cars, too.
Logging and lumbering operations of the company at Longwiew are in charge of J. D. Tennant, vice president and manager of the Long-Bell Lumber Company, and R. F. Morse, general manager of the Longview division.

The Long-Bell company owns a vast tract of fir timber 30 miles north of Longview and has its own railroad from mill to timber. All logging operations are electrically operated.
By means of the bridge crane the lumber is then stored in the craneway or passed directly to the Ross carriers to be taken to the waterfront.
Arrangements and process for handling the lumber in the mill are as follows:
The stackers are arranged to permit complete separation of widths, thickness and lengths of fir and hemlock lumber
R. A. Long, chairman of the board of directors, and M. B. Nelson, the president, came from Kansas City to see the new unit start operations.
A lumber dealer was very much amazed one afternoon 'r^'her-r a debtor stepped into his of;fice and anounced the fact that he wished to pay his bill. "You don't owe nie a cent," said the dealer. "Yes I do," insisted the debtor. "I've owed you $2.5O for five years or more." "I know you do," was the dealer's reply, "but you're not going to pay it now. I rvouldn't change my mind about you for $2.50!"
Novel Window Display
C. A. Campbell, manager for the King Lumber Company at Shafter, is responsible for a very novel and'interesting idea in a window display that he installed at their plant, and which was the cause of a great amount of interest from the prospects in his community.
The window was bordered with colored pictures of homes showing a wide variety. Then they had samples of many kinds of building materials, wall board, roofing paints, etc., and attractively arranged to make the display a real Home Owning boost. Plumbing fixtures, tile, electric fixtures and built in features played their part in the picture.
.._Mr. Campbell states that the idea proved a big success. "It has created considerable comment, not onl;r among those who received advertising in the window, but also with prospective home builders, as we have already received inquiries as to costs of some of the plans on display.
"On passing the window I counted as many as fourteen people at one time, looking with interest at th'e display and heard both men and women pick out their new home from the plans, debate whether or not to use plaster board, which kind of roofing to use, etc. We feel that the display has benefited us in many wavs."