2 minute read
in 4 grades"
"CALIFoRNIA l7hite and Sugar Pine Bevel Siding isproduced byresawing,on the bevel,lumbersurfaced on foursides. The resultins Droduct is 3/16 of an inch thick orithe thin edse and 7lt6 ofan inch on the thick ef,ge. \Tidths are usually 4, 1, and 6 inches, though stock up to 8 and Lo inches wide is manufacnr6d. This wider stock is, however, somewhat thicker than the other, and is known as 'Colonial Siding.'
"Beve! Siding is graded from the face side, The thicli edge is considered pan of the face. Defects on the thin edge are permitted if situated so that they will be covered.
'.'Four srades ate produced. The first and hishist is knosin as 'B and Bemer Sidinel This grade admits of three or four imall kn-ots, if well located, or a small pitch pocket, say L/8 in. x 2 in., that does not so throdeh. Two smaller ones, if a consiEerable di"stance apart,will also be admitted. Pieces may also have a smallamount of lightsmin, slight traces of pitch, or other minor defects, but no serious combination of thenr-r.
"The next qrade is 'C' Sidine. This sradeadmits oTtwo orthree soundknots, iot exceeding 1 inch in diameter, or more ofthem when they are smaller; also a small pitch pocket that does not show through-. Medium stain covering onethird ihe face, or a greater area of lighter stain.is admitted,but not in combination with other marked defects.
Cornes'in nEa.t compa.ct bund.les
"Defeccs requiring a cut notto exceed 4 inches are aflo*ed in high line pieces L2 feetlong and longer, but not more than 2o/o oFsuch piecis shall be permit ted in this gtade.r.
"The nert qrade is known as'D'sid' ine. and will ;-dmit season checks, pitch, de"fecdve mill work, and a num6er of small knots if well scattered over the faceof the piece, mediumstain covering the entire face-if not in combination with other defects-and pieces 12 feet or longer rflay havetwo dE{ects causing waste hot exceeding four inches each, provided the balance is of 'D' and tBetter' qualiry. In pieces 1o feet long or lonqer, requiring one cut' one of the remairiing piices riust be of 'C Select' or'Better'quality.
"The fotirth ind lowest grade is known as 'E' sidine. This grade admits stain, knots, pitch-pocketl, pitch and season checks'too seiious for D siding. Shipments may contain pieces showing seribuslv defectivd mill work or imperfect maiufacrure. It is a good graddfor cheap or temporary work.
" Cilifornia PineSiciing is a highly profitable itemfor the retail yard. It comes neatly tied in a compact bundle thatwill store away in a verv srirall space. The lenqths are good, run' nini lareelv'8 feet and lon[er,though bundles doin to 3 ieet may beincluded in a shipment. Twentv Der cent of lengths below 8 feet are permitiet. Mixed lenghsarenot tiedtogether in the same bundle..r."
€tert ltmber dealer shotld baoe oar book of gladiryA rtrla. If 1ot bat e not, utrite "(al " ?ine Jor a Jree copy.