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"The Lumber Thermometer"
Washington, May 10.-The May issue of the National Lumber Survey, published by the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, says:-
Marked increase in building contracts.
Construction costs slightly lower, and lumber production heavier.
Wages unchanged.
Building material prices decline one point.
Agricultural conditions less satisfactory than a month ago.
Farm Purchasing power unchanged.
Lumber exports slightly larger.
Lumber retail sales in reporting districts 36 per cent larger in March than in February.
Increased demand by wood consuming industries. ' Costs of lumber production generally lower.
Sash, doors and millwork industry generally good.
Full time or over-time operation prevailing in 72 pet cent of the reporting southern pine mills.
Lumber shipments from North Pacific Coast decline.
CentralCalifornia Club to Meet at the ,/ Cavaleras Big Trees
/ 'tne Central California Lumbermen's Club will hold their y'next meeting at the Calaveras Big Trees, Calaveras County, on May 15 and 16.
Members and guests from the Bay District and north of Stockton will assemble at Stockton on Friday evening, April 14. Those from Modesto and the south will assemble at Modesto on Friday evening, April 14. The two contingents will meet at Oakdale about 8:3O a.m. Saturday mornning, and will proceed to Jack Ass Hill, where is located Maik Twain's cabin, where a stop will be made for lunch. It is planned to arrive at the Big Trees about 4 p.m. Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening will be spent around the ca.mp fire listening to songs, stories and other entertaining features. The return trip will be made after lunch on Sunday.
The Committee of Arrangements in charge of the trip is Chas. G. Bird, Chairman; George Ground, R. F. Wells, Fred Holmes and H. C. Henry.
to Florida Southern California Picnic at Oran$,e
Box and crate industry report improved volume in New England, inactive in Buffalo,,fair in Memphis, I-ouisville b"*. Operations extend in New York, unsatisfactory in Far West.
Furniture industry spotted.
Lumber buying fbr automobile trade generally ac1ive..Railways buying liberally of car material in the Pacific Northwest.
Some lumber railway buying plans abandoned.
Members of the Orange County Lumbermen's Club are acting as hosts this year to the Annual Picnic of the Soutliern California branch of the State Retail Association. i The affair will be held on Saturday, June 5th, at Orange f County Park, just east of Orange.
Baskets of food, lots of cofiee, plenty of entertainment and games and a golf tournament, are but a few of the at' tractions offered by Walter Gibbs, of Anaheim and his committee in charge of the arrangements.