1 minute read
Telling the buildin gtrade and
General Public How To Escdpig Corumon Door Troubles
LJERE is a small reproduction of one of r r the full page advertisements appearing in The SatrirdTv E renins Post. Similar adiertisements ar'e being" published in House Beautiful, Berte-r -Homes and Gardens, House and Garden, the national building, architecturd and rcal,estate publications.- In all e tota"l of zr million I-aminex advertisements will be published during 1926.
The purpose of these unusud messages is to dieiatically awake n a rcalization"of the causes of common door roubles.
Laminex speeds up sales dnd turnover
A S a result of this powerful and con- / L tinuous ca-paign of nation-wide adverdsing the g6neial public, as well as the building tra{e, has -become familiar with the name T aminex.
And that's exactly the way advertising wo*s. It develops a feputatlon, e soft ot tame tot a" tride marked name. Then when the merchant offers this widely known product to his cllstomers, he finds them already "sold" on its merits. In that way sales come easier and faster, less money is tied up in odd lots of slow movers
. the bulk of the door business becomes confined to this famous line of ..quick fepeatefs"-Taminex doors.
Progressive door iobbers in every section c^tty I-aminex in poprrlar designs, with vertical gr"in stiles and iails or all flat $aii,- Write for name of your nEarest jobber. Get our "help-you-sell" plan. And send for saiple of T'aminex wood to test. Sales Offices: New York, phigso, .M.olphi.r, Los Angeles, Dan J'fanc$co, Dpokane. .horergn: Woco I)oor C,o-., Iondon; E: J. Van de Ven, Paris; Paul Solari & Co., Genoa.