3 minute read
Two Golden Days
There are two days of the week upon which and about which I never worry. Two care-free days, kept sacredly free from fear and apprehension.
One of these days is yesterday. Yesterday, with all its cares and frets, u'ith all its pains and aches, all its faults, its mistakes and blunders, has passed forever bevond the reach of mv recall. I cannot undo an ait that I wrought; I cannot unsay a word that I said on yesterday. All that it holds of my life, of wrong's, regret and sorrow, is in the hands of the Mighty Love that can bring honey out of the rock, and sweet waters out of the bitterest desert-the Love that can make the wrong things right, that can turn weeping into laughter, that can give beauty for ashes, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, joy of the morning for the woe of the night.
Save for the beautiful memories, sweet and tender, that linger like perfumes of roses in the heart of the day that is gone, I have nothing to do with yesterday. It was mine; it is God's.
And the other day I do not worry about is tomorrow. Tomorrow with all its possible adversities, its burdens, its perils, its large promise and poor performance, its failures and mistakes, is as far bevond the reach of my mastery as its dead sister, y6sterday. It is a day of God's. Its sun will rise in roseate splendor, or behind a mask of weeping clouds. But it will rise. Until then, the same love and patience that hold yesterday and hold tomorrow, shine with tender promise into the heart of today. I have no possession in that unborn day of graci. All else is ln the safe keeping of the Infinile Love that holds for me the treasure of yesterday. The Love that is higher than the stars, widei than the skies, deeper than the sea' Tomor'row-It is God's day. It will be mine.
There is left for myself, then, but one day of the rveek-TODAY. Any man can fight the battles of today. Any woman can carry the burdens of just on6 day. 'Any man can resist the temptations of today. O friend. it is only when to the burdens and caies of today carefully measured out to us -by the Infinite Wisdom and Might that gives with them the promise, "As thy d.y, so shall thy strength be/' we willfully add the burdens of those two awful eternities-yesterday and tomorrowsuch burdens as only the mighty God can sustain -that we break down. It isn't the experience of today that drives men mad. It is the remorse for som6thing that happened yesterday, the dread of rvhat tomorrow may disclose.
These are God's days. Leave. them with Him.
Therefore, I think, and I do, and I journey but one day at a time. That is the easy day. That is the man's day. Nay, rather, that is our day-God's and mine. And while faithfully and dutifully I run my course, and work my appointed task on that day of ours, God the Almighty and the Allloving takes care of yesterday and tomorrow.
-By Robert J. Burdette.
Promote Use Of Wooden Boxes
Spokane, Wash., May 3.-Pl4ns for co-operation with the expanding movement in the Pacific Northwest to promote the use of wooden boxes were unanimously adopted by the 4L district boards of the Inland Empire in session at Spokane, Wash., recently.
The box campaign was started early in the spring by the 4-L organization of Bend, Ore., and it is being furthered by 4-L locals throughout'Oregon, Washington and ldaho, according to reports made at the meeting.
A. B. &ttzn claf Hor.rd M. Gunton
112 Market St. San Francirco
Tclephonc Suttor 7ll90
Dougler Fir - Sprucc - Rodwood
Rcdwood and Ccdrr Shin3lcr
Fir Piling - CGdrr Polcr
Split Rcdwood Productr &"t"r.fi f;ff&.Lunbcr Go'
Customer: "Haye you any bananas."
Green Clerk: "Nol-no ria'am, nothing but the old fashioned night5ft irt5."-Plchange.
M. A. GRAINGER & COMP.A,NY, LTD. Mctropoll'er Bldg. - Vucouvrr, B.Q. ADVICE AND SERVICES tr^n. JFiIR'#'iis "Lr", o LqIGTNG OR PULP PROPOSITIONS
Ia British Columbia or Thc Wcst Officers and Dircctors:
M. A. GrrlnScr, P!c!. - Alrd Flrvcllc, Vlcc-prar. F. R. Pendston, I)|r.ctor - L. Iafon, Forjit Eagircci
Our Sincere DesirF---
To give you consistent high qudity Redrpood together with Service that will help make your business an increasing success.
Add to your l,umber bill
Every house or apartment bill that you figure today should include built, in fixtures: breakfast nooks, ironing boards, medicine cabinets, folding wall tables, kitchen cabinets. refigev ator units, etc.
Peerless fixtures-i line of more than 8o articles-olfers you a whole new department of profits. Many dealers now making big money. Write for exclusive proposition for your city.
Burr.raN Frxrunr Co.,