2 minute read
Here is a slab door you can depend upon.
Dealers sell this door with perfect confidence that it will stand up and give long-lived satisfaction under severe conditions. Built of short cores, each one locked with a tongue-and-groove. Thoroughly glued under pressure with waterproof glue.
California Pine one-piece face that will not check, glued on under heavy hydraulic pressure. Man, it's a real door job!
Put some in your next MIXED CAR from Westwood. They sell on sight.
' J. Walter Kelly, sales manager of the Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., San Francisco, acted as chairman of the day at the Kiwanis Club luncheon, held at the Fairmount Hotel, San Francisco, on April 28, when "Forest Week" was observed. W. B. Greeley, Washington, D. C., was the speaker of the day. Mr. Gieeley spokl on forest conditions on the Pacific Coast. Mr. Greeley is Chief Forester of the United States Forest Service.
The Crawford Lumber Co., Inc., of which Mt. J. E. Crawford is the head, is putting in a new lumber and building materials yard in the eastern section of Vista and have started construction of sheds and offices.
Al Westfall Returns To Lodi
Al Westfall, who is now associated with Matheny Bros. at I odi, is returning to his old stamping grounds. -Al *as with the oldFuller Lumber Co., Lbdi, fbr several years. The company was bought out by the Mokelumne Lrimber Co., and was recently purchased by Matheny Bros. During the operation of the Mokelumne LumbCr Co., Al wai with the Gustine Lumber Co., at Gustine.
George Bentley Back At His Desk Again
George Bentley, Bentley Lumber Co., Glendale, is back at his desk again following an illness of about five weeks. H_e was operated on for appendicitis and we are glad to advise his many luntbermen friends that he is convalescing nicely.
Pioneer Paper Co. Establishes Several Factory
Inaugurating a new system of distribution throughout the western states, the Pioneer Paper Co., of Los Angeles, has announced that deliveries of rock-surfaced shingles and roofing now are being made on a one-day-service basis to all dealers in the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast territories.
To carry out this plan of efficient service to dealers, the firm has established several factory distributing centers at strategic points throughout the western states where large stocks of both shingles and roofing are kept on hand to fill orders immediately, according to J. H. Plunkett, general manager of the firm.

Distributing offices located at Seattle, Portland, and Spokane are handling orders for the Pacific Northwest, Mr. Plunkett declared, while San Francisco is caring for the central coast section, and Denver has been established as headquarters for the Rocky Mountain states. Orders from the Southwest territory are being handled directly from the factory at Los Angeles, he statid.
Under plesent arrangements, complete stocks of all types 9f. composition shingles and roofing manufactured by the Pioneer firm, in a full range of colors, are carried at each distributing point, the executive asserted. Dealers are supplied from these locations at the regular factory price.
This prompt delivery system has been perfected gradually over a long period of time, Mr. Plunkett asserted, the final link in the chain being secured when a new office was established at Spokane this spring to supply the central Washington and British Columbia territory. The new branch is under the management of O. H. Weyman, well known figure in California business circles.