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WA I.{ T
(The Claring Housc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Racc: $2.s0 per cotumn inch The Fellow Who Wants to Be Hired
For Sale Veneer Cutting Machines
One Twelve-Foot Slice Cutter
One Nine-Foot Slice Cutter
Louirville, Kentucky
Young man twenty seven, single, four years retail yard, four years White Pine sawmill. Stenographer and bill clerk, can figure lumber and shooks. Desires ppsition with retail yard or White Pine sawmill. Address Box C lI7. care California Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Young man who has spent a few years at one of the large mills in the Northwest. Would like to locate in Southern California, preferably in Los Angeles, with a wholesale or large retail concern. Familiar .with grading, billing and other office routine work. Address Box C-115, care of California Lumber Merchant.
Wanted. A young man who can figure estimates and wait on the counter in a City yard, and who is capable of drawing a fair set of plans when necessary. Only a capable man who is willing to work and improve will be considered. State experience. Address Box C-l18 care California Lumber Merchant.
ENTER THE LUMBER BUSINESS with reliable well rated firm established 1916. You must be capable and energetic. Hard competition. Volume two 'to five thousand monthly. Five to ten thousand cash required. Immediate possession. Owner has other interests. Address Box C-l19, care California Lumber Merchant.
A live young man with lumber office experience that carl type, figure estimates, do billing, answer telephone and wait on counter trade. Good opportunity to learn the lumbet' business and a permanent position and chance for advancement. Assistant to bookkeeper with salary to start $135.00. Boyd Lumber & Mill Co., Santa Barbara.
Experienced Lumberman
Experienced lumberman is open for position and would like to locate in Southern California. For many years was associatq! with large Southern Yellow Pine manufacturer and knows eastern trade. For the past several years has been located in the Northwest and is familiar with the California trade requirements. Would consider position with wholesale or large retail lumber concern. Address Box C111. c-o Calif. Lumber Merchant.
Wants Position
Knows all branches of the lumber business. Many years' experience selling softwoods and hardwoods. Knows the Southern Cal-ifornia lumber trade. Would like to make connection with wholesale or retail concern in Los Angeles, or as mill representative in this territory. Address Box C-122 care California Lumber Merchant.
WANTED: By young man, connection with reliable lumber concern, retail or wholesale. Last position as manager. With one concern twelve years. Employed but can come on short notice. Can give excellent references.
Address Box C-121. care of California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced retail lumberman, small town San Joaquin Valley. Competent as assistant manager and Burroughs bookkeeper, with some experience inall building material.
Address Box C-120, care California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Retail lumber yard in fast growing territory near Los Angeles. $15,000 to $20,000 will handle. Address Box C-123, care California Lumber Merchant.