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"Andy" Donovan
A..W...(i'Andy"; Donovan is the next gentleman we are going to get personal wttn. anc teil tacts aDout.
grin on his mug, who has for many years sold, and 1 Redwood in Southern California. And ,he's at it vet. preached the Gospel of He was born in San Francisco on an unnamed date, and the first we hear of him in the lumber business wa-s aJter he had graduated from High School and got a jo-b at the mill of c. A. Hooper &-company atl.heir Mendocino dounty mill, an-d stiried early learning about Redwood from a pist master of the business. -
Ife was seventeen years old then. Next we discover him with the Spring Valley Lumber company, at San Francisco, as salesman and collector. He drove a h6rse ani buggy, and the boys nicknamed him "The Scout." Then he decided to get more education, and he went to Colorado and entered c-olorado college, at colorado Springs, where he studied Forestry, and took the degree of Forest Engineer, and did some work in the Field service- of the u. S. Fo-rest Service.
IIe came back to San Francisco and went to cruising timber, and when the war came on he joined the Tenth Forestry Engineers and went to France. He started as S:_cond. Lieutenant, _was promot€d to First, and then to captain. In France he wis officer in.charge of the construction at the Army_Engineering School at Langres, France. When he got back he went to work for ihe Union Lirmber Companv. and staved with them sev€n Jears, his last position being that of Sales Manager of the-Los Anglles omce. .tsle lett tnem last year.
He is now Southern California representative of Hobbs-Wall & Comoanv- antl is putting the sSme _old ('kick" behind his effort that has m"rk.d tiir-*iy-lfrio"eh the world ever since he arrived.
For Smooth, Faster
In Southern California where he has worked for eight years with the lumber trade, you hear nothing but good things about Andy Donovan.- He is cordial, rrlenat:r,-ruri oi pep.and go.,.plays.th-e game straight as well-as strong, and considers itis -anl,'fri;;A; his big earthly capital. ET{GINEERS
If you have not tried the Planer Saw -*1s1 nsYY smoothcutting saw for wood11rsd3g1s - you are missing an opportunity.
This saw cuts almost as smoothly as a planer knife, rips and cross-cuts equally well on hard or soft wood and stands fast hand feed.
Specify the Planer Saw when you want better service.
{16 E. Third St" z2o-ng Firat St., Loe Angeler San Francisco, Calif.