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Robbins Flooring Go.
In "Robbinr" Flooring you arc acsured of thc very fincet that has cver bcen, or cver will be produccd. Our geographical location, the modern machincry in our mill, and the type of men who make our fooring. all go to make this statement possible. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is tfie begt.
Southern Californh:
C. J.
Ncthm Califontr:
GEORGE C. CORNITIUS, Anerican Buk Bld3., Sea Frenclrco
(Authority) Standard Rules West Coast Lbr. Mfrs. Assoc. 7-l-26.
46-Ques. What is finished size "American Standard" of 2xl2 S4S ? What is finished size "California Standard" ?
Ans, American lftxltft. California lfuxllrl.
(Authority) West Coast Lbr. Mfrs. Rail B List California Edition Revised 4-I-22.
47-Ques. What is the difference in strength and durability between red and yellow Douglas Fir of equivalent dry weight?
Ans. The U. S. Forest Service finds no difference.
(Authority) West Coast Lumbermen's Assn. "Douglas Fir and Southern Pine" prepared by C. J. Hogue of the West Coast Trade Extension Bureau, March 1927.
4&-Ques. What is the approved exposure, side wall construction, for No. I Royal Shingles ? Ans. l0 inches.
(Authority) Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash. 49-Ques. How many 5" dimeniion shingles 16', will be required to lay 123 lineal feet on two sides of ridge? Ans. 1000.
(Authority) Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash. SG-Ques. If 24" No. I Royal Shingles are laid 10f,, to the weather on side rvallwhat percentage of a thousand will cover a square?
Ans. .fi/o of. a thousand.
(Authority) Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Seattle, Wash. Sl-Ques. 18" shingles are sold both by the M and by the square; given the price per M what is the price per square on approved roof exposure (51")?
Ans. First deduct 1-l0th and from that result deduct l_sth.
(Authority) Starks Mfg. Co., Seattle, Wash.
(Continued on Page 52.)
I ou neuer hoae to introduce a channpion
Y 9-q YAIT more money relting GBNUTNE Creo.Dipt 4 Jlalnec Jrungler. Deceure you warte no time introducing th:em. Color advertioin-g, in the Saturday Evening poot anl ouler magazrner her told vour flrtomen fhar (--rm-I)ine. ma_gazines totl your curtomerc'tt"t-Cr6-nipt "r" made only from relected cedar, rtained and prererved io ra". paint-lfi) pcr cetrt vertical srrij, to pr""".i ;h;t ".,pidi;; and inrure life-time we".. .Write for the C.;-Dipt-j;J;; propoeition today.