2 minute read
orr that this is a d.ouble purpose rack. Two balves may be placed back to back (see illustration at left, above) for a central "V" type corral rack, or they may be placed end to end (using as many sections as desired) at the side of the hay stack, thus simplifying and saving labor and time in feeding.
Used as above indicated, and in combination with "Portable Fence Panels," (see Bulletin No. 5) temporary corral against the stack may be easily and quickly installed. The two sections forming "V" type rack may be moved either individually or when lashed together.
This rack is designed to aooid waste in that it allows ample space in the manger to encourage stock to stand close and provides a floor to catch all small leaves.
Note should be made that height of manger front (shown on drawing at left above as "2' 1", variable") may be varied to suit stock which it is to serve and that ends of rack utay be solid, if preferred.
The great utility and economy of this rack are such as to warrant building it of the best material, cutting and fitting the members and giving all a good coat of paint before assembling* Redzaood on the Farw. "If it had no other merits Redwood would deserve a wide use on the farm because of its great ratural resistance to rot and fire. Heart Redwood when placed in contact with thc ground should have an average life of 25 years, whereas some other native woods which could be bought a little cheaper, perhaps, rot out in a few years. The durable qualities of Redwood should be taken advantage of by the Farmer in his choice of wood for such uses where all the conditions promoting decay are present."
*From "THE USE OF LUMBER O-V CALIFORNIA FARMS," by tr{erritt B. Pratt-University of California Bulletin No.'299.
Presented bg
Dealerts Name Here
(Continued from Page 48.)
4l-Ques. Douglas Fir varies in weight according to the month in which timber is felled. What month is it heaviest? What month is it lightest?
Ans. Heaviest, March. Lightest, July.
(Authority) U. S. Forest Service circular 136.
42-Why should Douglas Fir vary in weight as stated in question No. 42?
Ans. "Weight increase is due to absorption of soil moisture by the roots and renewal of life activities within the tree before leaves are out; when leaves are out the pressure of the sap is relieved because some of the sap moves into the leaves and evaporates."
(Authority) "The Kiln Drying of Lumber" by Koehler I & Thelen, (University of Wis.), page 35.
43-Ques. Draw a rough sketch of standard pattern Byt- kit Lath.
Ans. See page 121, Standard Rules West Coast Lumber Mfrs. Assoc. 7-l-26.
44-Ques. Grading rules mention "slight variation" in sawing common rough lumber:
What is "slight variation" in 1" stock?
What is "slight variation" in2" stock ?
What is "slight variation" in 3" stock ?
What is "slight variation" in 8" and up stock?
Ans. l" not more than l-16".
2" not more than r/F,", 3" not more than 3-16". 8" not more than f".
(Authority) Standard Rules West Coast I-br. Mfrs. Assoc. 7-l-26.
45-What species of wood represents the largest percentage in the United States ?
Ans. Douglas Fir.