1 minute read
Well here we are again follcs-have been having a fine time usingthe new Net Book. Here's hoping it is a net book in fact as well as name. There ig one thing 66y6i1-i1 isa much simpler and more complete book thantheoldedition and we hope it stays. The originators certainly deserve much credit for their efiorts and we suggest that they be awarded the Sash & Door Dealers' Medal of Cooperation.
Speaking of Co-operation folks here is a real chance to make the use of the Net Book a co-operative effort. SouthernCalifornia certainly stepped out in the front with this book and it ghould have its state-wide effeet. Mic believes that everybody bhould lend an honest effort to make the book go over. The trouble with most of us is that we spend too muchtime wondering what theotherfellow is doing and not enough time tending to our own business. Let's watch ourselves and make this book a real thing-all of which goes to remind us that:
Every day there are enough people preaching to revolutionize the whole world but there are a lot of them losing their effect because they do irot carry out their own teachings. This leads us to believe that if we were to do right, talk aticiut the things we have done right and forget what the other fellow did wrong, it would be easier for us all to do right.