1 minute read
ADurable Flooring that
Looks Like Hardwood
'Weyerhaeuser Pacific Coast Hemlock
Flooring sells fast and repeats lVeyaheew Peci8c Cnart Hemlocl Flooring iE 13116' thick by2X'hcc.lt corc both uitt od nrtchiag ud uttJrat cnd utching. Eoth typer arc milled with the hollow back. Thc hichc.a tFrdc ol this llooring ir lnown r "B rnd Bettcr Edge Greia. " For lcs cncriag un or wherc e still lower pricd Oooring is wanted ir it etrc udc ir the gndc oI "C Mi:ed Gnin"
A BRAND oI soltwood flooring that gets praise lrom .{ L three such difrerent points oI view as that oI the speculative builder, the carpenter and the home-owner makes a first-class specialty lor the lumber dealer.
And iI you have been accustomed to thinking of softwood flooring as a routine item not open to much inprovement, iust take a look at some oI this Weyerhaeuser Pacific Coast HemlockFlooring.
It is improved flooring made on the highest type oI hardwood flooring machines, perlectly finished and so dosely resembling hardwood in appearance that it is mistaken for it by many.
To the man who doesn't know any Hemlock but that lrom the East€rn stat€xr and the Lalce region we say: Pacific Coast Hemlock is an entirely difrerent wood. The coast variety grows to great size. It produces a large amount oI tough, straightgrained,fine, even tsrtured wood.Thiswood is not harsh or splintery. It works readily to a square edge and it wears evenly.
The Weyerhaeuser imprwed methods oI seasoning ren' der it immune to anytendency to warp.
If you are looking for something difrerent as a leader, something beaer that will make satisfied cuetomers-investigate this flooring oow. It is available to dealere everywhere through the Weyer. haeuser Representative.
The floring comca in ncat ccurc budhr, crch oe bearlng an rttnctivc labcl in colon which ehm thc mmc, the Weyahaam Brend, the gnde merk ud rbe mdc-nuL Tht! 0oori4 ie menuhcnrnd by .WctabacwTim' bcr Compmy ud ir obrriuble in mired at otdodiret Ircn thc Weychew Milb et Evmtt, Werbington, ud Snoqurloia Felb.'Werhilgtoa, or &on anv oI tbc thc Weyehrrer Diraibutirg Phno et Beltinon' Pottseuth. R. 1., end Miucrotr Tnneler. Sc PauL
Veyerbaeaser Pacific Coast Hemhck Flooring is etorter fedtttre of t be Vey erbae n scr
Plas-a baying adrtantagc tbat beneftts ettety dealetutbo ases ih
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