1 minute read
The Stoty of Rcdwood Goes Ovcr!
In 29 magrzines, with r totil circulation of over 2,707,000 the story of Redwood is reaching the public. Inquiries at the rate of 2,000 a month are proofof rwakened interest. Literally scores of Redwood dealers are writing us saying that the prospects we refer to them, Lr e ^cctrally buyingincreasing their busi ness'- turning their stock at a profit.
Of course the story is going over. What other wood is so durable, safe, beautiful? \flhat other tree supplies perfect lumber 60 inches wide? \il7here can you find a wood that works more easily, is as strong for its weight, needs no treatment, takes paint or stain better? Yet with all these features Redwood is not expensive.
Snckkdwood, \7e send you live prospects, and supply home, cottage, and cabin plans, a complete agricultural service, 2-color letter inserts, job andyard signs, and other material on Redwood and its uses.
Send for your copy of the Redwood Sales Manual. It is full of interesting facts about scores of native woods. You need it for reference.