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East Los Angeles County Lumbermen's Club Meet at
The EastLos Angeles Lumbermen's Club held their first banquet and dance at the Mountain Meadows Country Club, near Pomona, on Friday evening, May 6. This newly organized group of lumbermen includes the yards in the East Los Angeles County District from Baldwin Park to Claremont.
Robert Witter, President, acted as toastmaster. Among the guests who made short talks were Paul Hallingby, President of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association; Chas. C. Curran, vice-president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association; Fred A. Chapin, president of the San Bernardino Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club; Chas. Chapman, Orange County Lumbermen's Club; J. S. Billheimer, pioneer lumberman of Southern California; Kenneth Smith, Los Angeles; H. E. Park, Los Angeles, and W. Vanderwood. Glendale.
Gerald V. Curran, secretary of the club, lvas in charge oi the arrangements. A vote of thanks was extended to Mr. S. R. Larrabee for his assistance in making the affair a success.
About a hundred lumbermen and their guest were pre-
sent. Among the lumbermen who attended $rere:
I. S. Billheimer, Pasadena; John Basom, Hammond Lumber Co., Redlands; H. Davis, Covina; Paul Hallingby, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Walter McDonough, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; Kenneth Smith, E. K. Wood Lumber Co., Los Angeles; C. Pontius, Hammond Lumber Co., Riverside; S. Gile, Hammond Lumber Co., San Bernardino; H. M. Shattuck, Shattuck Lumber Co., Ontario; Fred A. Chapin, Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino; Ralph Fell, Chapin Lumber Co., San Bernardino; W. F. Rugg, Heinecke Lumber Co., Upland; Dee C. Essley, Heinecke Lumber Co., Ontario; Lawrence King, Hammond Lumber Co., Ontario; Earl Vickery, Hammond Lumber Co., Los Angeles; G. Roof, Hoyt-Roof Lumber Co., Ontario; Sherman Hoyt, Hoyt-Roof Lumber Co., Ontario; S. Herrington, Riser Lumber Cq., Glendora; J. D. Rea, Community Lumber Co., Baldwin Park; S. R. Larrabee, Calif. Portland Cement Co., Pomona; C. Jones, Calif. Portland Cement Co., Santa Ana; H. Coops, Viney-Milliken Lumber Co., Baldwin Park; H. E. Park, Los Angeles; W. Evans, Covina; C. C. Condit, Pomona.
Every time you cut a price you make it harder to get a price the next time.
They're Bw"8 Growttt Yellonr
Kiln-Ihied uo11 1t9 II II Gf;ar
J. E. NORTON of Twin Lal<e4 Santa Cruz write8 mentioning hntr F6 LuEU6r Co. 16 Callfornl. Str.ot Se Prscl.oo. Callf.
Kiln-Dried Fir wins the good will of dealers' customers. There's "Satisfac. tion in every foot" of our Old Growth Yellow Frr lumber because it is thor. oughly kiln.dried and dressed after seasoning to Ameri. can Standard si:es. All degrades are taken out at the mill.

&ntloEn: xoFtoN PEgPs L0xm co. 98%,"*;
K!rdly.p.od up !hlpocnt on thc Lr!t ca! of ktln drlcd rhcalhtnc ltock thst I oF(lorcd l@ tro ia6k! a8o, 6! I ftrd that our atock! era runnlng ld agatn.
I hrd hopad that 6y ldlt or{cr would I..t E6 ovor tlc lnv6ntory parld, bu! lt lcrna thst klln drl6d !tock l! b6comtn€ Eor6 populs rtth our contractoF!, olpoclally fon llucco Joba sd tho donsnd1.6!b.on h€avy tH. fdl.
Pr€vla! to our carrylnS rhis ktln dilcd ltock ta hd tuardr coEplatht! on thc froo lub€r ed Frttcularly tho .h6atht.A. lhrlillng to .uoh s 6xt.nt th6t lt crEc:i6d thc lhCco, but lat.ly rc havonrt h6d a 6lnglc c6pl,.lnt on thlr- dlfftculty, !o rc plan to c-erry a goodllna cf thl! nstc.lal r! th6 toc.l narkot .oiE! to doand tt, nd thet tt tD. b.6n !.ntroducad 6rd Xlndly .dvllc n6 of th6 lhtpnot of thtr at*k aa roon e! porslb]a.
Yffr vory ttult.
-dePenda. bility -qud;lity
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San Francisco, California St. Clair Building l6 California Street "sudden
So. California Ofice: Los Angeles, California
397 Pacific Electric Building
Bruce L. Burlingane, Agent Serc.rice"