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"Jim" Farley
James J. ('Jim") Farley is the person whose face adorns this page. That is, the photo of the face is the illustration herewith.
The face itself may be found early and late every day except Sunday in the office of the Pacific Lumber Company, in San Francisco.
He has been there but a few months, because the place where Jim Farley is really and truly known is wherever lunibermen live, move, and have their being, in the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys. For seven years he traveled that tertitory, calling on the lumber trade, and selling the products of the mills of The Pacific Lumber Company.
And one of the things thpt made him popular and respected, as well as adrnired and liked in that territory, is the fact that while he worked FOR the Pacific Lumber Company, he traveled in the interests of both his employer and the building trade of that great. valley country, preaching and teaching the doctrine of better buildings and better building service arid materials among the builders of those vatleys.
Jim. Farley k-nows Redwood. Knows it thoroughly, believes init utterly, and es it unfalte-ringly. He is an earnest, studious, thinkin! young man, wh6'likes
-Jrm. rarrey K-nows Kedwood. lLnows tt thoroughty, beheves in it preaches !g y^"tb and in{ulges himself freely i-n that _liking.He neveimade an enemy for the !_o y-"tb in that liking. the Pacific-_Lumber Company nor a critic for Redwood during those seven years h6 traveled the valleys.
This young man was Canadian born. He came from Eastern Canada near New Brunswick, arrivi-ng in California when he was eteven years old. He settled with his people in Humboldt Countv. so he has known the Red*oods intimatelw since howhood- ry";i;'t;'hili"if,t d""''ty. so h_e,.has known ir,i,-ni,ati.'Ja"' i;;i#;y since boyhood. He graduated from the Fortuna High Schoot, attended the Universitv-of Califoriria for High a time, and in l9l7 went to work fo he School, attended University-of for for the Pacific Lumber Comoanv at Scotia. Then Company at a rlme, an(l tn ryll ro worK tor ractnc Lompanv Scotta. 'l-hen gam-e_ th9 war, and he served tlvo years in the army, returning to finii a position, waiting for him in the San Francisco office of the same concern he sta;ted with. in 1920 'he wen-t on the road in the two bi_g valleys s-elling Redwood, and only recently they pulled him in the two big selting Redwood, recently into the home office in San Fiancisco -io assist in the Saies Deoai [eys Francisco to the Depaitment, which he does in many capacities, HJis; m6st-eiiellent specimen of the high type of lumber salesmen that California has .produced-a type that means much to the future of ths industry in this state,