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President Kaul's Statement
New Head of National Lumber Manufacturers Association Sceks Cooperation of the Wholc Lumber Industry
Upon assuming his new duties as president of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association, following his election at the annual meeting of the Association in Chicago last week, Mr. John I-. Kaul, of Birmingham, Ala., has issued the following statement of aims and policies:
"While fully sensible of the honor ahd distinction the National Lumber Manufacturers Association has conferred upon me, I do not minimize the responsibility and the labor that go with this office, especially in view of the example of my immediate predecessor, the more so because it may be truly said we are entering upon a hew period inlumber. It is a time of inevitable readjustment and rearrangement throughout the industry. The momentous decision to undertake a huge and costly national trade extension campaign, extending over five years and involving an expenditure of $5,00O,000, is the solid symbol of the industry's conviction that it faces a trial not paralleled in our past history. Nevertheless, we face it with confidence and assurance of success, convinced that the industry is united, spirited and firm in its commitment to and aggressive drive of 'one for all and all for ohe.' Pulling together, there is-no glestion- that we shall make our industry more profitable and satisfactory to ourselves and more eifective in its role in the nation's economic fabric. lYe are in porition to furnirh anything in Douglar Fir, rail shipment, special, mixed, or difficult orders, and we can grve prompt and definite senrice, Doing sPecial things is our rpecialty. Try ur and sce!
"In such a c.ritical time, when so much depends upon the oufcome of this adventure in the new coopiration. the greatest care must be taken to avoid all misfakes of 'policy and execution as far as is humanly possible" We niust be sure we are right before rve go ahead. We do know the general direction but we must be exceedingly careful to choose the right road. I hope, therefore, that the meir of the indgstry who have made possible that inspiring enterprise will be patient and forbearing while we-are planning and inaugurating the campaign to which we are now committed and for which we are adequately financed, and above all that they will support us with their best thought and judgment.
"I solicit most earnestly the cordial and energetic cooperation of all groups, factors and interests in our great industry-manufacturers, rvholesalers, retailers and the trade press-and pledge myself to discharge the duties of the president with the singleness of purpose to serve the common good to the utnost of my ability."
Occasionalty you want a special lumber bill for quick shiPment and don't know where to turn for a dependable rupply.