2 minute read
J. E. Neighbor to Address California Building and Loan League
J. E. NcigLbr
Mt. J. E. Neighbor, Treasurer of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, is to be one of the principal speakers of the Annual Convention of the California Building & Loan League, to be held in San Francisco, at the Palace Hotel, May 7-6th,27th and,8th. Mr. Neighbor will have as his topic the GRADECERTIFICATE of The California Retail Lumbermen's Association. which is now in use in 35 cities of California, and rvhich is gaining impetus all the time. Inasmuch as 90 per cent of the homes in California are financed by the Building & Loan Associations of the state, the California Retail Lumbermen's Association feels that the members of the State Building and Loan Association should learn more about the Grade Certificate. The subject was presented to them a year ago at their annual convention at Yosemite, at which time they endorsed the Grade Certificate, and now the educational campaign will be carried forward by Mr. Neighbor. Some of the Building & Loan Companies are at present demanding a grade certificate on all lumber furnished, as a requisite of the loan, and it has worked to the betterment of conditions in those localities, and as a guarantee to the Home Builder who considers the Grade Certificate a valuable document, showing the time the home was built and the material entering into the construction, and some have found this Ce'rtificate a valuable asset to them in cases of collecting insurance or in the re-sale of the house. Some lumber dealers in California who build homes for sale are framing the Grade Certificate and hanging it in the house on display. This has created confidencJ in the builders of Certified Homes. In conjunction with Mr. Neighbors !al\, JVIr. W. H. Graham, of the Cosmopolitan Mutual Building & Loan Association of Oakland, -who is also an active member in the Plumbers Association of that City, will present his Clearing House Agreement Plan, through which all bills for buildings will be paid, thus eliminiting the danger of the incompletion of the home, and the danger of liens being placed against the same for the nonpayment of labor and materials-insuring to the home owner a completed building with all bills paid. Mr. Neigh- bor and Mr. Graham are very close friends and are both sold on the other plan and it is sure their talks will fit in nicely and be valuable information for the members of the Building & Loan Association.
The California Retail Lumbermen's Association is broadcasting the importance. of the attendance of lumbermen at this convention, so that closer co-operation may be consummated between the Lumber Dealers and Building & Loan Companies throughout California. It is a protection to the Home Builder in California that these two organizations should be closely affiliated and work together for the protection of the home owners.
Mernbers of California Redwood Association