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Los Angeles Hoo Hoo Golf Tournament
The Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Golf Tournament brought out a large number of Southern California lumbermen at the Ojai Country Club on Saturday, May 7. The day was excellent for golfing, and the Ojai cou,rse which is considered one of the fines,t courses in the country, made an ideal setting for the tournament.
An excellent dinner lvas served in the club house at 7:ffi P. M. Following the dinner, "Cappie" Slade, chairman of the golf committee, introduced Roy Stanton who announced the winhers of the various prizes.
Walter Riley was awarded the Joe Chapman Trophy for making the lowest net score. Mr. Riley won the permanent possession of the trophy as he won the same prize at the last tournament on Jaly 16, 1926. The low gross score went to George Lockwood and he was awarded the Jack Dionne Cup. Lockwood will have possession of the trophy until the next tournament. The cup will become the property of the players who shall win it twice.
The retailers were declared the winners of the RetailersWholesalers contest. Fred Golding, captain of the Wholesalers, claimed that the artistic setting and environment of the Ojai Valley was too much for the wholesalers and as a result they were off their game. .2
"Cappie" Slade was awarded the E. K. Wood Trophy for winning the First Flight. The runner-up was Frances Boyd who was awarded C. M. Kellogg trophy. Lloyd Jones won the "Second Flight" prize and was awarded the Hipolito Company trophy. The runner-up in the Second Flight was Fred Golding who was awarded the Long-Bell trophy. Earl Downev was awarded the Chas. R. McCormick tro- phy for winning first in the Third Flight. Percy Yost wirs the runner-up in the Third Flight and was awarded the Coos Bay trophy. The Fourth Flight was won by C. H. Suiter who received the Hart-Wood trophy. Frank Connolly was tle runner-up in the Fourth Flight and was awarded the Hammond Lumber Co. trophv. -
_ Jitn Greenelsch of San Luis Obispo was awarded the Roy Stanton trophy.
The following participated in the tournament:-
Clint Laughlin, Jack Thomas, J. M. Landrum, S. Smith, J. M. Tyrell, "Cappie" Slade, R. E. Seward, Ed. Houghton, Gus lfoover, Ed. Cullnan, Harvey Bowles, Cliff Berggtrom, Fred Golding, Pick Maule, Bill Hamilton, George Melville, D. McCallum, Roy Stanton, Henry Pries, Henry Swafford, Chas. Kellogg, George E. Gable, Walter Riley, Harry Riley, Kenneth Smith, Roy H. Meyers, W. F. Marmion, R. H. Loveday, J. A.,Greenelsch, A. E. Fickling, Harry A. Graham, Frank Connolly, Francis Boyd, Ed. Betts, W. Vanderwood, C. H. Suiter, A. P. Yost, Leo Rosenberg, Earl Downey, Paul Hill, Ed. Loftus, George Lockwood, Ed. Steinfield, Lloyd Jones, Bob Hull and Ed. Martin.
There was about sixty present at the banquet in the evening; several lumbermen who were unable to take part in the tournament dropped in to enjoy the festivities of the evening.
The committee in charge of the tournament included: "Cappie" Slade, Chairman; Fred Golding; Roy Stanton;. Arrangements, Charles Bonestel and Walter Riley; Handicaps and Starting, Jack Thomas, Paul Hill and Ralph Imhoff ; Prizes, Roy Stanton and Bob Taenzer; Publicity, Ed. Martin; Secretary-Treasurer, Clint Laughlin.