2 minute read
An English Designed Home of Marked Distinctiveness
Lumbermen's Service Association have just recently created a wonderful assortment of new home plans for their Lumber Dealer Friends to secure and apply in creating business, and there isn't any question but that these plans, if shown, and their attractiveness and conveniences explained to prospective builders, would be productive of great results. Selling building materials through the medium of practical building suggestions is the modern way of securing non-competitive business. If you haven't determined just how easy it is to secure business under this plan, try it.
Tte Hoo-Hoo Club of Central California at its last meeting at Modesto on April 25 voted to hold their next meetitg "t the Calaveras Big Trees on Saturday evening, May 21.
The plan is for everybody to be at the Big Trees for lunch on Saturday. Saturday afternoon can be well occupied in fishing or in making the climb to snow-line which is only seven or eight miles above.the Big Trees. On Saturday evening rvill be the concatenation and a big camp fire around which rvill be enjoyed stories and songs with plenty of music and fun. The-riturn trip home 'trill be -"d" olt Sunday.
The Calaveras Big Trees are only seventy-five miles from Stockton and the roads are in good condiiion and the run can be made very easily in three hours. Invitations are being sent out to other Hoo-Hoo Clubs and to HooHoo in general.
A large attendance is expected at the meeting.
The Moulding Supply Company, Alhambra, California, -Vtf. W.. F. _Higman, manager, are building trvo new dry kilns of the Moore type. By having adequaie drying facili- tres. thrs company plans to extend its trade in the Alhambra and South Pasadena districts.
_ Mr._ J. H. Jeffery, assistant general manager of the Coos Bay T.umber Co., Marshfield, Oregon, wai a recent San Francisco visitor. After spending a few days at the compar.ly's- o$c-es- and also at their distributing yard at Bay Point he left for Los Angeles and other pointj in Southern California. He will retuin to Marshfieldabout Mav l5th.
Since their organization, the six Associated Lumber Mutuals have returned to their policyholders in dividends a grand total of $34,915,845-rep- resenting a saving of approximately 40/s in insurance costs. At the same time they have given -and are now giving the most complete se:rvice and protection the lumberman has gyey lrn6$rndesigned for and distinctly fitted to the needs of the lumber industry.

l.Vrite9ny of our conpanies for fult inlornntiott obout both the frotectbn and the saaing rcpresentcd by our policies.
Thc l)tl edldo of ABBEY'S REGIIiTER AND YEAR BOOK of rhc Wedcn Lunbcr Indutry b nw iudy for dlrtrlbudan ,,,trFsl t".lgrt;ff1,r[-jlrlli.$;;ll nof. rhr! tnt y..r'3 odntor. coilrl.t _- lt cdrrr Gycry bmnoh ot th. L-o|tlrc, Lonbo rnd Alll.d tndl.trhs udt ot Tt. notlca' Inotudltrr Brtilri cotunbir-, {'te*i Frrlii'inii-'iia'ilwrti,- ---' -' FOR THE SELLER TO THE LUMBER INDUSTRY lt tlvo t-hr nan! of lhG mrnaecr, aurr.lnlondart, lurohrdn! .!Gnt, rrdGr n& ohrrlc, Grprotbr, typc of milt, rnd-cdnplitc ttrt ot'iq[iimiii."
- lt flvo lha nrnr. ot rdlr m-tirtrr,..rDcclo ot wood nwad, dry lllrl thhlt6, bor _rhoolr, lrth!,- rnd dl oth.r ltrfmiiloh nocrirrv-io ln-ii-inquldcr c cdor-r. Sotloor ovlrtnr box t&tdt!t,.y.nc.r. et.rnit, orrtr6itn-jJiriiiiii-ri'tniic--i.i.|lr ulth .lulpmctt lt r taiuru of thk ycu'j bol. . nEflEilBER ABBEY'8 BEG|STEB tr -r conptct. dtnctry ot tir Wotcrn Lun- bd lndu.try oqrt$ both.tJ16 116 rnrli oliriiiinr.'-tt-iitti rm loi'-cirii ridro trna thrn rny dmllr tool-prl6, bourd ln blur oloth, t3.S0, - - ltr -@nnccilon ylth Th! Lumbcr Rrelttd Cuudriy;'-iic ,urrm ot whlch l. to lrlrr tb. Arnud ur.to.drt. 4 iln6r a icrr, thiiAiiit-fi.6-'r yor.