1 minute read
ByJack Dionne
Age not guaranteed-Some I have told
STORIES f.or 2O years-Some less
Cash it the Hand
J. M. Rockwell, of Houston, Texas, is the best known and most genial character in the retail lumber business in Texas, and possesses a wonderful sense of humor. He has a favorite nigger story, which runs as follows:
A hard working colored farmer had his fortunes very rapidly changed by the discovery of oil on the land adjoining his, and he was besieged by those who would buy or lease his land.
The representative of one of the big oil companies got to him, and offered him forty thousand dollars for leasing privilege on his land, explaining to him that they did not want to buy or take his land, that they simply wanted to drill on it, and when they finished he would have his land back, etc.
But there was just one thought in the old darkey's mind, the forty ttousand. When the price was stated, he ask'ed: "IIas you got dis money wid you?" The oil man said no, of course, he didn't have it, but it would be quickly forth' coming if the title, etc., proved correct. This didn't seem to please the darkey, and he told the oil man he must take time to think it over.
Immediately another man, representing a much smaller and less responsible firm got to him, and offered him thirty thousand dollars under the same terms. Again came the question: "Has you got dis money wid you?"
This oil man saw the point in the question, and he said: "No, I haven't got the money in my pocket, but you get in rny car and I'll drive you to town and get it for you right now." Which the old man did, and came back with the cash.
A white neighbor who heard of the transaction rushed over to remonstrate with the darkey, telling him what a fool he had been to take tte thirty and turn down the forty t*rousand, assuring him that the first offer was just as much cash as the second, and he berated the old fellow very strongly.
"Yassuh, Ah reckon Ah am a fool, Kunnelr" said the old nigger ruefully, "but you know Ah allus been pore an Ah figgered dat a bird in de hand is de noblest work ob God."