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Chas. S. Lamb Appointed Mana$er of Sunset Lumber Company's Oakland Yard
Chas. S. I-amb will take over the management of the Sunset Lumber Company, of Oakland, on May 15th. Mr. Lamb has been connected with the retail lumber business in Oakland for the past 28 years. In 1899 he became associated with the old Puget Sound Lumber Company, which was succeeded by the Sunset Lumber Company about five years later. He remained with the Sunset Lumber Company ior nine years and when he resigned was assistant manager and sales manager. In 1913 hewent with the Tilden tumber Company, of Berkeley, as vice-president and manager, which position he filled for twelve years. For the past two years he has made his headquarters at the general offices of the Tilden Lumber & Mill Company, at their Oakland yard.
Mr. Lamb is very well known to the lumber industry of California and has always taken an active interest in all matters pertaining to the lumber business. He has served in varioris capacities in Hoo-Hoo and is a former president of Oakland Hoo-Hoo Club No. 39. He fathered the idea which brought forth the Hoo-Hoo code of ethics, which was adooted bitne Order in 1920' He is a Rotarian and has served as president of the Berkeley Rotary Club.