1 minute read
Your Hardwood Order Can be Filled at Hammond's
Austin L. Blaeft
Austin L. Black, for the past three years advertising manager of the California White & Sugar Pine Association, has resigned to join the Honig-Cooper Co., one of the large advertising agencies on the Pacific Coast. While connected with the association, Mr. Black initiated many new phases on lumber publicity and advertising, among these were "Cal" Pine-Guardian of the Grades. a book which contains a concise explanation of the grading rules for California Pines, as rvell as illustrations of the grades.
In his nerv position, Mr. Black rvill specialize in lumber advertising and will be in charge of the new lumber department recently inaugurated by the Honig-Cooper Co.
Mrs. Helen C. Ganahl, wife of Eugene F. Ganahl, president of the Ganahl Lumber Co., died unexpectedly at her home on May 4. Mrs. Ganahl was a native of Omaha, but had resided in Los Angeles nearly all her life. Mrs. Ganahl is surviVed by her husband; three children, Eugenia, Lawrence and Glenn; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Glenn; and a brother, Larvrence Weir, the later trvo of whom are from Omaha.
Funeral services rvere held on Saturdav. Mav 7.
T H E recent Mississippi floods have r wrought havoc among the Hardwood mills of the South. With a great number of sawmills shut down and with 8o/6 of Crurn timber lands undet water, as well :ul a considerable amount of Oak andother Hardwoods, the market has become demoralized, with shortage of stocks in evidence and a corresponding steady advance in prices.
Hammond Flardwoods and Hardwood Flooring stocks are not depleted even in face of these conditions. Foreseei.g an abnormd market, a$y anatrgements were made to maintain these stocks on a normd level regardless of cost. Your orders for Flardwoods, eitfier rough or manufactured, can be filled promptly and completely, now as heretofore.