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THE CALIFOR}.IIA LUMBERMERCHANT JackDionne,prblishu How Lumber Looks
Douglas Fir-A total of 321 mills reporting to the Vest Coast Lumbermen's Association for the week ended April 30 opemted at 25 per cerrt of capacity, as compared to 24.7 per cent of ap crty for the previous week and 44.7 pet cent for the same week l,ast year. During the week 190 of these plan* were reported as down and 131 as-operating.
Cunent new business of 216 identical mills for tfie week was 1.9 per cent under production. Production was approximately the same as the previous week, while shipments were 2O.7 p* cent over ptoduction.
Unfilled orders declined ltr567ro00 feet from the previous week. New export business received during the 'week was 210061000 feet less than the volume reported for the previous week. Neru domestic cargo orders were 9181700 feet over, new rail business increased-lr804rl24 feet, while the local trade r€mained about the same alr comparod with the previous weekts business.
Production, orders and shipmerrts at these 2f6 mills for the week were repo'rted to the Association as follows: Production, 59,9211682 feetl Shipments, 72,3761161 f.eet; Orders, 58,733,091 feet.
Details of orders and shipments of the mills for the week follow: Orders-Rail, 25,113,443 feeti Domestic Cargo, 19r6061907 feet; Export, 6,5911636 feet; Local, 714211106 f.et. Shipments-Ra;1, 2716511240 feet; Domestic Cargo, 251836395 feet; Export, ltr467r420 feet; Local, 714211106 feet. fnventories, as reported by 144 mills, declined 2210001000 feet from the week ended Apil 23 and are 19.1 per cent less than at this time last yean
Cargo arrivals at San Pedro for the week ended May 7 totaled 8r953r00o feet, including 10 cargoes of Fir carrying 8r248rOOO feet and three cargoes of Redwood with 7O5r0OO feet. Cargo arivals showed an increase over the previous week when the total receipts totaled 615511000 feet. Unsold lumber on the
Lumbermen Back From Oregon Trip
H. Sewall Morton, Hill & Morton, Inc., Oakland, has returned from a trip to the Northu'est, on which he was accompanied by Jo H. Shepard, general manag'er, Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento; Z. T. Thorning, of the Gray-Thorning Lumber Co., Redwood City, and Harry Terrell, salesman for Hill & I\forton.
The trip, made by automobile in five days, was mainly for the purpose of visiting the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company's sawmill at Wendling, Ore., and the McCloud River Lumber Company's mill at McCloud, Calif. While at Eugene, General Manager Ralph Martin of the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., arranged a golf game for the visitors, which was much enjoyed.
public docks at San Pedro totaled 4,O45'r0iJlO fe€t on May 11 as compared to 4r57lrOOO feet the rveek before. 47 lumber vessels were operating in the coastwise trade on Miay 7, with one vessel, the Missoula, operating in the intercoastal ttadei 64 vessels were laid up. The California market shows no material changes and the demand is light.
Vith lumber production at half tfie volume for t{re same period last year, an excess of ehipmento over new busineee, indicating further reduction of unfilled order files, again marked a dull lumber movement during the week ended April 30, it is indicated in reports to the National Lumbet Manufacturera Association from the regional associatiotrs covedng the operations of 659 leading hardwood and softwood mills. Ptoducion of these mills amounted to 12115651000 feet Shipmgnts, I-50?59r000 feet, exceeded this figure by 24 pr cwt. New bueineoop 114r9E6r000 feet, was 11 per cent above the cut. A week earlier 655 mills produced 124,4661000 feet with orderc 10 per ceot and shipments 17 pet cent above the cut.
The Southern Pine "rl*r.0"" i* *. weck coded Apil 30 rqrorted new business from 118 mills as 261691'fiD feetl shipments 27r972rOOO feet, and piroduction 2rrr67r00/D feet Orders were 14 pe cent above production and 5 per cent belorc shipments. Shipments were 20 per cerrt above production.
The Western Pine Association repoted new business from f21 mitls as 361535,OO0 feet, shipmetrts 35rl93r0W feeq and production 25r83QoOO f.e.t. Orders were 41 per cent above production and 4 per cent above shipments. Shipments wete 36 per cent above production.
197 hardwood mills reported fo'r the same wee& new buEiness as 10,8761000 feet, which was abotrt the same as production. Shipments wete l2r329ro0o feet, or 14 per cent above produc' tion. Production ivas 10'849'000 fect
Ted Lawrence Returns From Northwest Trip
Ted Lawrence, Lawrence-Philips'Lumber Co., Los Angeles, has returned from a trip to the Northwest ryheqe he visited the mills at Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and \/ancouver, B. C. While in Tacoma, he made his headquarters at the company's office where he conferred with Alfred Hart, their l{orihwest representative.
John Olson, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, was a visitor at the company's Arizona office at Phoenix around the first of the month. Accompanied by C. P. Henry, their Arizona representative, they spent a few days calling on the trade.