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State Forester Announces Forest Fire
Organization 1or 1932
Sacramento, May 12.-California's new forest fire organization f.or 1932, adopted by the state board of forestry and approved by the state civil service commission, was announced here today by State Forester M. B. Pratt.
W. H. Coupe, state district forester for the Southern District, has bleen chosen to serve as district forester in charge of fire protection, rvith headquarters in Sacramento after July 1.
Coupe's duties rvill be to correlate the fire plans of the state district foresters and assist them during the season. He will serve under direction of state forestlr, with full authority to take disciplinary action and recommend any personnel changes desirable.
Two new districts, Central California and Central Coast, have been added to the Northern and Southern California districts of last year. Each district will be in charge of a state district forester, who will plan the work and direct the personnel in their territory.
In addition, each district will be made up oi several units, with state district rangers or rangers at large in charge. These officials rvill inspect and supervise the work of state forest rangers, and assist in the actual prevention and suppression of fires.
The new districts and units. and the state district foresters will be as follows:
1. Northern California District: C. G. Strickland, state district forester, headquarters, Red Bluff.
(a) Redwood Fire and Protective Association, Mendocrno county _,
(b) Area outside of association in Mendocino countv, Humboldt.
(c) Trinity, Siskiyou, Shasta, Tehama, Butte, Lassen.
2. Central California District: O. E. Fowler, state district forester, headquarters, Sacramento.
(a) Colusa, Yuba, Placer, Nevada.
(b) Eldorado, Calaveras, Amador, Tuolumne.
(c) Mariposa, Madera, Fresno, Tulare, Kern.
3. Central Coast District: Frank E. Thompson, state district forester, headquarters Palo Alto.
(a) Sonoma, Napa, Lake, Solano, Marin. ,
(b) Saqta Clara, Santa Cruz, San Benito, Monterey, San Luis Obispo.
4. Southern California District: W. H. Coupe, state district forester.
(a) San Bernardino, Riverside.
(b) Orange, San Diego.
(Cooperation with Los Angeles, Ventura, Santa Barbara counties.)
Under the new arrangement the state forest technician, Burnett Sanford, will continue to make a statewide study to determine areas of statervide importance and areas not irr that classification. However, under fire emergency conditions, he may be detailed bv the state forester, to act as assistant to a state district forester.
PLYwo,oD tfilrH8tifi URERS vrsrr
E. E. Westman, of -the Washington Veneer Co., Olym- pia, Wash., and Huntington Malarkey of the Plylock Corporation, Portland, were recently in San Francisio and Los Angeles on a business trip.
Rus_sell Tracy, sales manager of Friend & Terry Lumber Co., Sacramento, recentlv spent a fer,v days in the San Francisco Bay District on business.